Forgiving is Living

When we forgive others and ourselves it makes life worth living and brings us into a space where we can all feel more joy and live longer and better.  When we forgive others for their mistakes and imperfections we are admitting that we are imperfect and that we are human.  Forgiving others is a direct route to healing ourselves and has little to do with whether it was our fault or their fault in our eyes or their way of looking at what may have occurred between you.  When it does not matter who is wrong then forgiveness can happen in a way that is graceful and kind.

We are especially vulnerable when we allow our feelings of resentment to run our lives  Resentments are often times a product of our inability to forgive others and our unwillingness to move past the hurt.  I know firsthand that being angry at my parents for not showing up in a way that I felt was proper and right did not serve me and so I decided to forgive my dad for abandoning me and my mother for not being as affectionate as she could have been.  I was able through forgiveness to live a more joyous life.  Forgiveness heals us not the other person.  Often times we feel like we need to hold on to things that are of the past so that we can feel as though we are vindicated, in fact when we hold on to those feelings we are doing just the opposite, adding insult to injury.  

What happens when we are sincerely able to forgive is a deep healing, deeper than anything we have ever experienced before.  When we make forgiveness statements like: "I forgive myself for believing my father purposely set out to hurt me by leaving my mom and me" we immediately begin to feel a sense of relief from what can and will imprison us for long periods of time.  When we forgive we release the hate that binds us and replace it with love.  We must know the truth about a father who leaves and that is this: "the truth about my father is that he did the best he knew how to do".  Forgiveness statements are ones that are clear and specific and do not shame or blame anyone or ourselves.

If you are ready to take a journey into forgiveness then you are also saying that you are ready to heal and that you want to heal.  When you take the path of forgiveness you are on your healing path and it will become obvious to you that along your walk is this chance to start over again and to clear the energy that binds you to what is not in your highest vibration.  The path to forgiveness is sure to clear your energy for bigger and more pertinent things that you need to flourish and raise your quality of life.  Remembering that forgiveness is for you and not any other person is crucial and so when you forgive you are enhancing your own self-worth and overall living.

There is a lot to say about forgiveness but the most important is the fact that you do it and to do so in every aspect of your life with every person.  It does not have to be complex and in fact is one of the simplest things we can do to heal.  One of the reasons that we forgive others and ourselves is that it clears our path and opens up the newness of life.  It creates this vessel for loving ourselves and the people around us, everyone.

Forgiveness starts with you.  Forgiving yourself for believing that you do not deserve to be treated well or with love starts a new pattern in your life.  This new pattern is one where you leave the past in the past and begin living in the present moment.  It is a path to a vibration that resounds around the world to plaees you do not need to actually be at.  It may sound silly but forgiving yourself is the most daring thing you can do and yet once you do it your life will change for the better.

"Love means never having to say you're sorry".  I won't easily forget this phrase.  I think about it often times because now I understand better what it means.  We don't necessarily have to say "I'm sorry" to gain forgiveness.  These are words that may or ever need to be said if we are just in a place of knowing and that place is a place of forgiveness.  Understanding without saying you are sorry is when we act from the heart and we take actions that are ones that tell us that we have found a place in our soul where we can now move on.  No more holding on to the past.  No more unloving comments to our self or to others we say we love.  No more acting out of anger and resentment.  No more manipulation and controlling behavior.  We can now be in a centered place because we have forgiven the past and now we are ready to live in the moment, in the now moment.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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