Life Is Good

I got up this morning after staying up until about 3am watching Netflix on my iPad.  I am sorry the next day because the curtains are not up in my new home and the sun is blaring in asking me to wake up, NOW!  I am jolted to a state of awake and frankly that is not my favorite way to get up in the morning.  Black out curtains from Pottery Barn nearby are on order.  Still I love this sun filled home in front of a small lake.  It is truly more than I dreamed for in a second home in the same development.  Clearly goddess has shined her light on me!

Life is good here in Pingree Grove' Illinois where there are still fields of corn and horses behind white picket fences.  Life here is like a small piece of the Hampton's in New York where the homes often have slip covered white sofas (like mine), white kitchen cabinets and beautiful views of the lake or of a lighted pool.  This is my little piece of heaven and I absolutely love it and feel grateful to have this in my life.  If I'd known this I would have ran, not walked, to the suburbs a long while back.  Frankly, I am no longer a city dweller but rather love the city when I visit and come back to my serenity and my tranquil life.  Here I am enveloped in nature and the scents of trees, wild grasses and little black birds with red chests singing.  THIS is the good life.

I work when I want to work and I schedule myself.  This is a luxury in that I have retired early from my former J.O.B.  It is wonderful to have the option to get up at 10am or stay up late at night when you cannot sleep or feel like it, without worrying about waking up early to go to work.  My office is in my home and what a treat that is for me.  I literally love that part of my life and it makes it not just a good life but a great one.  Each month I have a direct deposit in my account and I my intention is to save money each month.  It is my little nest egg for emergencies that give me a sense of security and happiness.  I highly recommend an early retirement if one can do that.  It is by far the best thing I have ever did.  By retiring early I created more options in my life and you can too.

For those of  you our there reading this I want to encourage you to find your piece of joy by living where you want and doing what brings you joy for a living.  Sit and map out the life you picture and begin to plan on doing it.  You may feel imprisoned by your salary or JOB and it may be that you are renting a little studio but you can have more.  Consider moving to a suburb a little ways from city life: 45-60 minutes away will afford you a more economic style of life.  A life with a nicer apartment and possibly an affordable home.  There are jobs everywhere and most suburbs have large and small companies established because the land is cheaper and the price of building a business is as well.  Pick a suburb based on the crime statistics which in many is much lower to almost none.  Live the life you want to live by compromising while saving money.  The access to nature and the smell of flowers will inspire you when you visit the many development options.  In my case I have a clubhouse with a huge pool, play area, baseball field, workout and conference room and more.  A "resort" community like this only cost me 65.00 a month.  It is amazing!

In life we have options even if we don't believe that to be true.  Nothing should or can stop any of us from having a good life if not a great one.  We are responsible for our own joy, serenity, safety and enjoyment.  We possess the ability to control our own destiny and to be inside a place in our life where we feel special.  Life is good when we live it with purpose and intention.  Now get to it!
Elliott Maximo Collazo


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