Believe In You

I will be the first to admit if my articles or blogs are inspired by someone else which many times happens with me.  I am inspired to write a series of blogs on Believing because of Oprah who inspired me with her specials called "Believe".  In one of the specials she introduced us to a young boy in Chile who was firm in his belief in God and practiced the Catholic faith in a way I'd not every witnessed before.  He literally joined a group of young men to carry a huge monument depicting Jesus on the cross atop a platform down the street validating his faith in God.  The weight of this monument was made obvious by the look on his face and his body language as his parents cried with joy.  In yet another profound theme a father and his daughter went to a burning retreat on a giant piece of land with huge machines that emitted fire.  At the end of the retreat the structure where people placed pictures and letters to loved ones is burned.  This is a symbol of releasing and of completion and healing.  It was for me one of the most unusual array of people I'd seen in a venue that for a lot of us would be considered a bit odd and simply too different for the average person to be a part of.  Yet the tears streaming from the father and his adult daughter who'd experienced the sudden death her sister and mother, his wife and daughter, were a testament to the kind of healing rituals like a burning ceremony can have on human kind.  In all cases it was about people who believed in their own inner source or some kind of source, spiritual, religious or otherwise.

I for one believe in many things that I derive strength from and there are some valid reasons for what I believe in.  I would like to start by sharing that I don't believe we came from apes or evolved from some primate or another.  I don't feel like a  monkey and certainly not a large animal like an ape.  I like to think that I was created from a source and out of love.  I don't feel a need to life and my existence explained by Scientists or professors.  I apologize ahead of time to those who believe they came from an ape.  I will admit that in some small way it is my ego that cannot wrap my head around that even though I do believe that the man I lived with was an ape.  Of course I am kidding.  Kind of. And do with this shared I would like to share some of my beliefs in hope that some of you can relate to them and perhaps feel some form of support and love.
I believe in:
Karma: I sense that many things are about how we behave with others and towards the universe, even the trees and flowers.  I understand that karma is crucial and that our karma is what makes it possible for us to get what we give whether it's negative or positive.  I believe in karma because I have experienced it first hand.  
God/Goddess: My thing is that God is Source and can be male or female.  I have not turned in my verdict but I do feel that there is at times a masculine energy that is present and at others a feminine one.  I have determined that the masculine energy is God and the feminine one is Goddess.  Goddess is much like our mother but with more power and healing energy for example.  I feel as though God is a strong force we access when we need to become like warriors and fight the battles that life presents to us.  God and Goddess for me can at times be interchangeable depending on what I need in my life.  I source God and Goddess by focusing in silence and asking for the love and support I need and want.
Buddha-Hood: Buddha-hood is inner strength.  This comes from self-awareness and knowing that we can access peace and serenity just by asking for it and bringing it to our conscious mind.  Buddhahood is a word used in Buddhist practice to mean that we can reach an higher level of living and joy because we are empowered to do so.  I believe this because not only have I experienced it I have wtinessed it in others who seem to go through life with ease and grace.  It is a state of mind, a way of thinking and a manner of living that places peace and joy to the forefront of one's life.
Family: Not only do I believe in a biological family that loves me and I them I also include my extended family of choice, the ones I selected for myself.  Family means a lot ot a lot of folks like me who derive love and joy from being a part of a family whether they are brothers, sisters, sons or daughters, good friends included.  The formation of family is usual but the love of family involves more work on each members parts  I believe in family because family usually gets us through the difficult times and have the ability to become a source of happiness and laughter.  Family Is Everything.
Meditation and Prayer: My understanding and experience with prayer may not be yours but it is also one that aligns itself with others who understand both to be empowering.  I meditate daily and pray nightly.  I silence my mind in meditation because I see how much I am in need of silencing the things and situations of the world.  I cannot replenish my heart and body without meditation and simply taking the time to be silent and breath with purpose.  I do this because it calms and  centers me and it makes me know I am worthy.

To be continued


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