A Little Help From Friends

There is a Beetle's song with the lyric: "I get by with a little help from my friends, I get high with a little help from my friends".  I don't get high but I have gotten through my experience with treatments for cancer with the support of some truly wonderful friends and family to name a few:

Taina and Camille: my beautiful daughters
Mia and Isabella: my granddaughters
Shelley: a wonderful friend
Robert: my son in law
Lucy: the mother of my children, my former wife and good friend
Frank and Marta: my siblings who I adore
Pat: my sister in law who is simply awesome
Bebe: my new fiend and chanting partner
I want to ask for a pardon if I missed anyone.

The loving support we get from the people who love us can literally save our life.  We who have this in our life know firsthand what an amazing healing force others who care and have compassion for us can do for our healing.  Love is everything and when we are in need it is surely the best medicine.  For me there were so many kind and generous souls out there like Anne, another good friend, who wrote a song inspired by my life and connection to her.  I cannot express how beautiful I felt inside to be taken out to eat and then to a home studio to hear the results of a blind man who put music and sang her some for me.  I was floored.

In our lives we tend to consider ourselves friends without doing much work or nurturing in relationships that are important and essential like our children and our close friends.  We seem to believe that people will be there waiting when we get back to them or get around to connecting with them. Friendship does not flourish without our input and intentional loving.  For me having some people in my life who nurtured me meant everything and I can honestly say that I am an attentive friend, father and grandfather.  I don't take others for granted and when I needed them they stood up to the challenge, one that was not easy and one that was in part difficult.  We must always remember that it is our responsibility to be an active friend and family member.

Life would not be as wonderful if not for my friends and family.  Today my brother is coming with my friend and tomorrow another couple are coming to help me unpack my things in my new home.  This is what friends do for friends.  This is what that song is about for me.  I am inspired by the very people who love me and serve me when I am in need.  I know that it is my responsibility to share what I have, talents and other things, with those I claim to love, and not just during holidays or birthdays.  Not like it is for some where they see their family six times a year, maybe ten.  Life is  series of loving connections with people we select and family we are gifted to have.  Be the friend and family member you wish to have.  Serve the ones you love and continue to maintain a connection and communication with them.  Life is a series of connections and experiences with people who love, respect you and are willing to go out of their way for you.  Life is a wonderful journey when you have it with friends and family.

"I get by with a little help from my friends"  The Beetle's

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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