Starting Over (How To)

Today I moved into my brand new home and the move went without a hitch.  The movers knew what they were doing and they were professional and polite.  Every item that needed to be covered was covered and protected and I could tell that they liked what they were doing or at least it seemed that way.  Then the person installing the cable and the internet arrived and I was as happy with his work as that of the movers.  Another polite and kind person who also seemed to like what he does.  Lastly the painter came and he was as nice as before, smiling from ear to ear just as he'd been when he did work for me in the previous home.  All in all a wonderful experience starting over and being in my sacred space that others call a house.

Starting over is stressful.  Buying a new home and getting a loan is as well but overall it is worth the stress involved because now I am starting with a clean slate unfettered by someone who allowed me to take on all the burden of almost everything in the home.  I call this my sacred space because it is.  I view my home not as a house but a sanctuary.  I covet my home and I love being in it.  It is not just because it's beautiful but because it is comfortable and I feel safe inside of it.  I am enveloped with all the things I love and took great care in selecting.  I have all that I need in this smaller space and now understand that a larger home is not what I truly need.  I am already feeling the freedom and a burden lifted just as many people who get divorced and start over again.  I am thankful that my starting point is likely a much better one than many find themselves in when they get divorced with a settlement of a few thousand dollars and my life back.  I am one of the lucky ones.

Starting over takes time and we must understand that we will have some fears and some stress around being alone again.  What I can say to all of you is that it is worth it!  It is very much worth it.  When we begin anew we can situate our things and our life in a way that we alone know is right for us.  We can leave the past in the past and start to honor ourselves without worrying about what someone else needs or wants or even pushes us for.  As a person who was emotionally abused for so long I think that we can also take our life back in every aspect of life: spiritually, emotionally, financially, creatively and physically.

When we start a new lifestyle as a single person we are saying yes to our life without any other person's approval or validation.  We learn to validate ourselves and to once again love ourselves in a way that we should of done a long while back.  For some of us it is a trial and error situation and it is a test to see how much we want to feel joy inside that is authentic and empower ourselves to be exactly who we are, no apologies.  Yes!


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