Are You Living With A Dream Killer?

Nothing spells misery more than living with a person who is a dream killer.  This is a man or woman who does not support our dreams, makes no effort to encourage us in our goals or literally goes out of their way to kill our dreams.  Dream killers are most times people who are self-serving and think mostly about themselves.  They are not givers they are takers and the thing they give the most is their "profound" opinion, letting us know why our dreams will fail.  The dream killer can be a silent killer in that they say nothing about the things that excite us.  We can go on and on about what we would like to accomplish and they will remain silent, almost as if they did not hear us.  Dream killers are selfish and self-serving and have often been reared by a parent who is just like them, a self-centered, self-serving and selfish person.  Most of all dream killers believe that nothing is more important and no dream is more valid than theirs.

If we must live with a dream killer or a person who sabotage a what we want to do we must learn never to tell them of our plan or share our intimate dreams with them.  Knowing they will bring our dream down and squash it is a very good reason not to tell them to begin with.  It is best to keep our sacred plans from people who will spit on them.  When we share our dreams we should share them only with people who support us and that have good things to say about them.  Once we establish that someone in our life is a killer of dreams we must learn simply not to share our beautiful and wonderful plans with them.  It is simply not worth it to have our dreams stepped on and asking a dream killer to validate us only serves to fuel them.

We can all use a person in our life who supports our life goals and that person can be a close friend, a counselor, a life coach or even a business consultant.  Finding the right person to support us is key to realizing our dreams and getting the loving advise and opinions that will lift us rather than bring us down.  Find that person who will support you and who can look beyond their own nose and utilize that person as a means to opening doors and opening your energy up to a successful and happy situation you want to create.  Know that there are people who are givers and who are capable of being kind and sharing a positive word with you.  Seek those people out who do this type of work and let go of the expectation that a person who cannot support you will someday become responsive when in fact that is not their nature.   Being very careful and purposeful about who you share your dreams with is the key to realizing them along with your own steam and self-assurance.

Understanding that there are people in the world, sometimes sadly the person we live with, that are not capable of lifting us is a great reality check.  We can discontinue wasting our time and effort trying to get their encouragement and move to the ones who will encourage us.  Having a plan of action: goals, deadlines and the like is important in making our own dreams a reality.  We must place the focus on ourselves and it may be that we must move away from the dream killers in our life in order to clear our path.  When someone is between us and our dream that is a bad sign and indicative of a relationship that is not serving us in a loving manner.  Don't allow others to have the power to take your dreams from you.  Don't entertain a person who does not match your own supportive nature.  When it comes to your dreams there is nothing more important than getting the obstacles out of your path.

What is your dreams?  What are the things you must do to get to those dreams?  What are the logistical steps you need to take to realize your dreams? Are you willing to let the dream killer go?  They are some of the basic questions we must ask ourselves about our goals and about our most intimate of thoughts: our sacred dreams.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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