The Color Purple

I know what you are all thinking.  You may be thinking I am going to write a blog about the color purple and the beautiful ways one can utilize it.  I happen to be a big fan of the color and think it to be one of the most striking of colors to wear.  For me it denotes royalty and it looks so very rich when it is deep and dark purple.  I love it.  But this blog is not about the color but rather the movie "The Color Purple".  If you have not seen this movie I only want to say that the film is a work of art.  It has been for me one of the most touching, powerful and empowering films I have ever seen.  I cried, I laughter, I clapped, I jumped up and down and I was stunned.  The scenery, the angles, the clothing, the subject matter, the dialog and the emotion was impeccable.  Every actor was beyond talented and every actor made you feel something for her or him, even the one who goes from vicious villain to savior.  Every time I see the film (I own it) I am moved beyond anything I would have ever dreamed of.  It is powerful.

Without giving it away, "The Color Purple" is not a film about the way we mistreated Africans but goes way beyond this truth.  It is about life and living but most of all it is about turning our pain into our joy.  It is a film about sisterhood and the importance of family.  It is a film that is filmed in dreamy places and the way that the cameras are used in this film is magical.  Every character comes alive and you are stunned and impressed at the same time.  Every character is someone we know and every character is a family member of ours.  It teaches humility and it teaches history.  It shares the most of dark and sad moments and the most joyous and light filled.  It was for me a lesson about life and living.

If you have not seen the movie "The Color Purple" it is a must.  Like few films have done this one will stay with you.  You will remember this film the rest of your life because it is about everything, absolutely without missing anything.  It is a summary of how we can suffer and survive anything when we look at the history of African Americans and the African culture.  If we could only be as strong and empowered as the individuals in this film who depict what it is like to be a person of color and not just survive but become transformed.  We may have suffered yet few of us know what suffering really looks like when it is so dark that you have no idea whether you will live one more day.

Please see this film.  Please read this book.  Please get out of y our box and your limited place and open yourself to this profound experience.


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