What If You Were Perfect?

I have asked myself and have been asked to answer the question: "What if you were perfect the way you are?"  It got me to thinking what it would be like for me and others if we each thought that we were perfect as we are, in the form we are in, with the income we make and the imperfections we have.  What if we could be OK with and accept ourselves in this moment and time?  I believe that if we thought ourselves to be completely fine as we are we would be free to become all that we are.  We would not let what could have or what should have been impede who we are now.  We would love ourselves and hence love others as they are and not what we want them to be.  We would meet people where they are and treat them with respect no matter what we thought they should be for us.

Accepting who we are and believing we are perfect as we are helps us to live in a place of knowing and gives us permission to simply keep going and placing one foot in front of the other.  We honor the person we are and we take pride in anything and everything we have done in life of any value.  We understand that no matter what failures we have experienced we are still worthy and we are still beautiful and deserving of living on this earth.  Our intention to perceive ourselves as perfect is about loving ourselves and holding the intention to become even more in life, doing more in life and affecting others positively.

We are either all imperfect or we are all  perfect.  In either case we are on an equal plane.  No one is better than us and we are not better than anyone else.  To see ourselves as perfect just means that we are fully on board with our life.  We are understanding that no matter what mistakes we make we are human and we are no less valuable when we make a mistake.  We are all worthy and we are all spiritual beings who need to be loved and accepted and validated.  For all of us there are people in our life who believe we are perfect just as we are.  For each of us yearns to feel that kind of unconditional love.

What if you were perfect?  Well, you would know that even with your imperfections you are perfectly fine.  Know that even with your imperfections you are perfectly fine.


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