Is there a Hell?

I am as I put it and have shared with others "a recovering Catholic".  I grew up believing in hell, a place where one goes upon one's demise due to the fact that one behaved poorly and committed too many sins or infractions.  One ends up in hell because apparently one did not earn a place in "heaven".  While there are many who believe there is a hell I cannot count myself among them.  I simply don't believe in hell.  Maybe it is because I would rather not believe but to me we already live in our own hell here on earth.

When we act in ways that are not aligned with our joy we are in hell.  When we are with someone who mistreats us or controls us, we are in hell.  When we work at a job we hate with a boss who talks down to us, we are in our own form of hell.  When we are addicted to liquor or other drugs we create a hell for our selves.  We have a long list of ways to create and live in our own personal hell.  It is proof to me that we don't have to die to go to hell and that hell is simply our own state of being, the way we live and the way we think.

When we live in ways that are loving and kind to ourselves we create our own heaven.  When we do things that honor our spirit we create our own heaven.  When we are around kind people we are in heaven.  When we create things that we love we manifest heaven in our spirit and in our lives.  Heaven is how we live our lives and how we see things in our lives.  Heaven is when we do things that make us feel joyful and complete.

It may be that there is a hell and that I may go there when I die, at least according to some criteria made up by some.  I don't think that I am really going to hell because I have already experienced hell in my life more than once.  I feel like there could not be a God that would allow me to suffer any more than is neccessary or any more than I have already.  I don't feel like I am the only person who has suffered and I understand that life is some good times and some tough times as well.  I believe that once we die we will all experience peace forever.

Whatever you believe about hell and heaven is entirely up to you.  What I would encourage is that you consider that heaven and hell are what we create here on earth and that the most important thing about your life is that you live it fully and stay present in every apsect of your life and every moment you are given.

Elliott Collazo


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