Long Live Oprah

I remember as many do when Oprah announced her retirement and like others I was uncertain but truly fearful of her simply going away and living her life, hence taking from all of us a brand of learning and spiritual lessons that we would never ever see again.  That frightened me to death and when she announced her new venture I for one was comforted and very happy.  Before that announcement I was a fan but not a huge fan of hers.  Now I adore her and understand just how important her work is to mankind.  Oprah has in fact made the world a better place by her exisitance and the path she has created for all of us who would not have known of it had it not been for her.  Oprah is a magical human being and perhaps like many others I now see the value of this kind of thought and this kind of gift to the world.

Oprah and I are the same age and the reason I know this is because I attended one of her birthday parties.  But before I share anything else I would like to say that I met Oprah once and then the second, third of fourth time I saw her she remembered me by name.  I did not know just how incredible of a person she is when I thought about the way she said hello to me as if she knew something I did not.  She is just that kind of human being.  She has a knowing and she lives in the very moment, letting others know that she is just like everyone else minus all the money.  I recall when she started out and before she became very famous when she shared the way she was treated in nice department stores.  She was looked upon as a black woman entering Neiman's or Macy's or Gucci who did not likely have the money to pay for an expensive Versace purse or Gucci loafers.  Oprah has always admitted to all of the tribulations in her life including sexual abuse.  How could anyone not honor a woman like her?  She did not have to tell it all but she did in service to us.

One event at Buckingham flowers I attended was one of the experiences I had first hand with Oprah.  As I entered in my beautiful new black jeans, shiny new loafers and Gucci white French cuff shirt.  I approached the doorway where she was standing and greeting others and inside I was certain she would not remember who I was from Adam.  She proved me wrong and said: "Hello Elliott, Barry Keiselstien.?  She not only recalled my name which is why she is Oprah and we are not, she pointed out the designer of my belt which at the time was making modern western style belts with sterling silver buckles and beautiful leather.  I wore it for my self but I also felt it was going to make a statement with a French cuff shirt and black jeans.  Subtle I thought.  And so did she.  It was again another realization of what kind of woman Oprah was and is.  She notices and she takes notes.  She is meticulous like me.  I love her.

I say long live Oprah and I think that everything she touches turns into gold not because she is rich but because she knows her stuff unlike many.  She sees the details many do not see.  She feels the feelings we don't want to feel.  She tells things as they are without a lot of censorship and gives all of us a reason to reveal ourselves and ultimately feel free of what chains bind us.  She asks us to feel free and do what is inside our hearts.  To be who we are and not get stuck on the negative.  I recall one show that she did where there were a lot of whites who were racist and some supremacist group.  She did the show with ease and grace just as she has always done, but afterwards she never did another show like that owned and for obvious reasons that she herself referred to: "I gave them a platform".  She realized that doing a show like that with whites who felt they were superior and were racists was only giving them a voice and she was not aligned with that.  For this and many reasons I too honor the things and the subjects that she focuses on now that are more about what she wants for the world and more of what I agree that I want: positive not negatively focused.

I hope Oprah lives for a hundred years and that she never stops doing what she is doing.  I would like there to be another person like her when she transitions from our lives.  I hope that there is a little Oprah in waiting and that she surprises the world just like Oprah has many people who did not think that a Black woman, a real woman, a woman with curves and a positive woman who has brought us light.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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