Make This A New Day

Whatever your day was like yesterday you can make this day a new day.  Starting out fresh each day with an attitude of newness helps us to understand that we can create a better day today by leaving the past in the past and taking an optimistic and positive view of today.

Here are some tips on how to make this a new, fresh and upscale day:

1. Stop thinking about the bad day you had or the past times when things did not go as well as you expected.  Let go of the past and stop reviewing it in your mind, simply by making the effort to release it.  If you consciously make an agreement to let go of the past then you will and it will help you to look to the future.  Holding on to the negative experience and reliving them will only make today another bad one, a day like the one you had and don't want to repeat.

2. Make a specific plan to do something that will lift your spirit.  Go and have breakfast at the local cafe or with a friend at a new restaurant.  Plan to go see a movie that got great reviews or a play.  Make plans to go on a road trip alone to a serene and peaceful place.  Plan something that you know will lift you up and will make this day an intentional and  happy one.  Know that if you do something on your own, completely alone, that this is still a wonderful way to honor your happiness and begin the day being present for yourself.  It is a message that you love you.

3. Smile and share something nice with everyone you encounter.  When you behave in a kind and open hearted manner it creates an energy around you that is both loving and positive.  Say hello to someone you pass by in the grocery store.  Wish someone a happy holiday.  Whoever your encounter give them a look of approval and of welcoming energy.  When you do this it will surely come back to you and you will have a great day.

4. Think about what you need to release or let go of and write it down in a brief sentence on a small strip of paper.  Put it in a safe container like a metal bowl or a terra cotta planter or bricks and burn it.  Before burning it affirm the fact that you are willing to release this thought you are holding on to of fear, jealousy, anger, resentment or sadness.  Affirm it by making a statement like: "I release this feeling of fear about being alone right now and I am willing to start a new day and to invite a new energy in my life".

These are some simple ways to start a new day and to release the old stuff that is weighing on you.  Try one each day and measure your success by checking in with yourself and being honest about the way you feel today and if in fact it is different from when you did not feel that truly loving energy and desire for life.  You will experience some tough times as we all do yet it is possible to detach from those difficult  perceptions by intentionally working at it.  Every day is a new day and the potential is there for it to be one that is better than the day before where you live life in a joyous place.  We create our destiny in large part and we can make it of light or of darkness with our intention.  What is your intention and how do you want to live this day differently from yesterday?  


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