
In the last few years we have often heard this reference to "haters".  These are people who are jealous of others for being what they perceive as successful or self-loving.  They are the people who are triggered by any little thing someone says or does on behalf of themselves or s demonstration of some talent.  Even people who just take pride in themselves and are talented and own it are targets of "haters".  I love the saying: Don't hate, appreciate" because there is a lot of truth in it.  If we could only appreciate others for their talents or their differences this world would be a better place.  If we could only understand that what makes us different is something to celebrate rather than to fear and hate.  If we could only be lovers and not haters.  Yet there are many people, maybe more than not, that are haters.

As long as their are humans there will be jealousy and hatred.  The good news is that there will also be love and acceptance.  There will be love because love will prevail and love is the most empowering place we can live in.  Love trumps everything and everything trumps hate.  We are on a quest to find love and to release hate.  We are on this quest because it it the only thing that will heal us and the only thing that is truth.  Hatred is just an illusion that is passing and temporary.  Nothing is more prominent and real than love.  When we apply love to hate it dissipates, never to outdone by any other application of human kindness.

Today I made a mistake and made a simple statement on FB that someone took personally and lashed back with a lot of blame and shame.  Although I expected it from the source I was still saddened by his simplistic and reactionary manner of fact.  No one could ever tell him anything about anything that he thought the word of right, someone who was raised priviledged with money and way too many material things who has acquired more stuff and has it in many huge storage buildings.  Like many rich hoarders he will likely die with all of his possessions, making others responsible to address it.  As sad is it seems he is an example of many who suffer from hoarding and alcohol.  What he thinks of me only saddens me but has no effect on me because I have learned that taking what others project on to me is like drinking poison.  The trick to life is not to personalize hatred because many times it is more about self-loathing, having nothing to do with us.

When someone is unhappy the tendency is to attack others at every turn. What motivates hate is anger and what elicits anger is pain.  When others go unhealed from past pain they manifest it in some other manner and they bring it to others who would otherwise be hurt if they did not understand that the pain that is unhealed in others is the pain of the world.  As human beings we must forgive others for their pain and their tendency to attack rather than to connect because in their sick way they are connecting.  Many times these are people who do well on social media as long as everything they discuss is on the surface and as long as they are not required to go deep.

I often get a kick from people who post things on social media like: "Just had my java and I am feeling alive now" or "shopping is my life" or other insignificant shares.  Going any deeper than this is unusual and not for the faint at heart.  There are so little exemptions of those who share their deep feelings of love, spirituality or connection the earth.  We are more comfortable if we can just touch the surface and not ever have to be required to be humanitarians or lovers of life itself.  We would rather rattle on and on about nothing.

Haters are using social media to pass on their self-hate and will jump on anything that anyone says that might be twisted into something of gossip.  They latch on to any way to turn others into villains and them into victims.  Haters love to hate and as Taylor Swift so beautifully put it: "the haters are gonna hate hate hate hate and the players are going to play, play,  play, play.  It is just what they do.  It is just how they feel alive.  Nothing is more useful than to ignore them and to spread some love and apply some consciousness/. Healing is the key to hate and loving is the cure.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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