If It Does Not Make You Bitter It Will Make You Better

"What does not make you bitter will make you better".  I am unsure of the person's name who shared this statement on Oprah's Super Soul Sessions.  He is a man of color and has been a life coach to some some well known celebrities.  Like many of my blogs I am motivated by this man who shared something of value and is again my launching pad for another blog.

I understand that there are people in the world, like me, that have collected a series of experience in life that would be good reasons to be bitter.  I also understand that we are human and that some of the time we allow others to get to us and we allow some of them to literally abuse us.  After such experiences we may have a good case for being bitter and going as far as treating others in the negative and disrespectful way they treated us.  No matter what we experience in life there is a person who overcomes it and becomes better after some painful and incredibly hard situations.

I think that if a woman can speak to her daughter's killer and forgive him then I can forgive the people who hurt me and let go of bitterness and resentment.  If a man can go into a court room and ask that his son's killer not be sentenced to death then I can forgive every person who I may perceive as my enemy and who I might think victimized me.  It is not easy to let go of the bitterness that comes to us when we experience bad things yet we must understand that holding on to bitterness will only slow our progress down.  Perhaps we are not all cut out to forgive a person for taking the life of someone we love but we can do our best to let go long enough to lift ourselves up and out of the darkness and the bitter feelings around others hurting us.

I would never say that someone hurting us is acceptable and that we must forgive them.  Each of us have had different experiences and for some of us we may never fully forgive but we certainly can move beyond any situation.  There will be difficult and sometimes incredibly awful things that will happen to us.  Many of us know firsthand what it is like to be mistreated and although we may have a good reason or maybe more than one to be bitter it does not serve us in any way.

We can process bitterness and move into becoming a better person from what we learn no matter what that lesson is and where it came from.  Taking each of our experiences and becoming better because of them becomes more important than holding on to the dark times.  We can and do become better from everything we overcome.  We can be willing to go through some tough times and understand that we can become a better person.  When we believe this then we can manifest it eventually and every single time.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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