Kids Days

This week was a week with the grand kids.  They arrived on Saturday and leave Thursday, tomorrow.  I already know that I will miss them when they leave.  One is fourteen and the other is six.  Both are likely the most polite and loving children a grandfather could ever wish for.  Every few minutes the younger six year old would come over to me to hug me and give me a kiss.  The older one is always all over her little sister who is eight years younger. Everything I do for them elicits a thank you and other loving words of gratitude.  It makes me so proud of my daughter, their mom and my son in law as well.  Both do their best and are hands on parents.  Both have taught their children how to be the kind children that they are.  These four days have been so enjoyable for me and what I understand is how fortunate I am despite the trials in my life.  Having these children in my life is the most wonderful gift I could have ever asked for.

Being around children reminds us of who we really are, the authentic spirit that we are meant to be.  Children remind us because that seems to be their role in the world.  When we spend time with them we learn to be a little more in touch with life and in touch with our playful side, the one that is free and clear of adult frustrations.  For me spending time with my grandchildren lifts my spirit and reminds me of all that is good in life.  Laughter, playfulness, honesty, integrity and pure joy.  We can all learn something from interacting with children whether they are our own or other children in our circle.

Kids days are ones where we can spend time doing things with them and letting go of the stresses of life.  Kids days are days when we allow ourselves to become as children and play.  Kids days are any day of the week and when we chose to enjoy that inner child as well as the gift of children in our lives.  So become a child again by spending time with your children or a friend and their children doing things that take you back to that innocent place when you were free to be and filled with magical ideas and imagination.  Take time to allow our spirit to jump up, dance and sing.  Have a Kid's day and do nothing of importance all days long.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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