The Meaning Of Christmas
I hope that no one out there reading this feels like I am a Grinch, the one who robbed Christmas, but I am perplexed as to why there is so much emphasis on gift giving during the holiday season. There is so much more to the holidays than maxing out our credit cards to impress our own children. I want to be the person to advocate for some other focus like:
1. Agree to get one gift for your children:
Ask your children to select one gift and buy just one gift for each of them. Make Chirstmas a time of giving for them by asking them to buy a gift (you provide the funds) to donate to a local charity. Spend more of the time discussing the meaning of Christmas and what it means to them.
2. Donate some of what you would spend to a charity and ask others to give to a charity rather than gift you with a store bought gift:
I admit that this idea came to me out of complete frustration at the emphasis of a particular family that made it a point to have everyone make a list of what they wanted to get for Christmas. I was involved with this family and decided on the second year to opt out after following their rule and not getting what I asked for: a white cotton dress shirt. Every year thereafter I asked them to donate to a charity and that I preferred ones that helped children or abused women. In the end it worked out well and is something I would highly recommend. By donating some of the money you would spend or other would spend on you Christmas takes on a truly valuable meaning.
3. Plan memorable activities with family that you will remember forever:
Buy less and plan more activities that will bring your family together. Some activities can be ones that are free like sledding at the local park. Take the family to a play or a meaningful movie. These are the things that your children will remember the most when it comes down to it.
4. Skip the traditional holiday celebrations and go on a family vacation instead:
There is something to be said about skipping the common ways of celebrating the holidays and going on a great vacation with your family instead. Make the holidays about spending time with your family and making memories instead of how many expensive gifts you buy them. The true meaning of Christmas should be more about creating wonderful memories with those you love.
5. Include someone you know has no where to be for the holidays to your family dinner:
My sister started this tradition of inviting people outside the family, usually elderly folks, to the holiday family dinner or event. It was amazing to experience the gratitude of the people who joined our family for the holidays and it felt like the right thing to do, giving Christmas a fresh new meaning. There are after all so many people who would spend the holidays completely alone who would be thrilled to be invited to be a part of a loving event. Extending an invitation to someone other than family to your family event is likely one of the most meaningful and loving things you can do.
6. Celebrate Christmas after Christmas and save:
Save the celebrations for after the holidays and save money by buying things after the holidays when there are some crazy good sales. For some this may be an innovative way to save money and to take the stress off by saving. Make your own Christmas date and celebrate it after every one else.
There are many great ideas for how to celebrate the holidays besides overspending and becoming stressed. It is a known fact that people max out their credit during the holidays, many time to please their children, when the importance of Christmas is really more about our spirit and creating memories. Make this holiday one where you place the focus on what really matters like helping others who are more in need than you. Have a happy holiday!
1. Agree to get one gift for your children:
Ask your children to select one gift and buy just one gift for each of them. Make Chirstmas a time of giving for them by asking them to buy a gift (you provide the funds) to donate to a local charity. Spend more of the time discussing the meaning of Christmas and what it means to them.
2. Donate some of what you would spend to a charity and ask others to give to a charity rather than gift you with a store bought gift:
I admit that this idea came to me out of complete frustration at the emphasis of a particular family that made it a point to have everyone make a list of what they wanted to get for Christmas. I was involved with this family and decided on the second year to opt out after following their rule and not getting what I asked for: a white cotton dress shirt. Every year thereafter I asked them to donate to a charity and that I preferred ones that helped children or abused women. In the end it worked out well and is something I would highly recommend. By donating some of the money you would spend or other would spend on you Christmas takes on a truly valuable meaning.
3. Plan memorable activities with family that you will remember forever:
Buy less and plan more activities that will bring your family together. Some activities can be ones that are free like sledding at the local park. Take the family to a play or a meaningful movie. These are the things that your children will remember the most when it comes down to it.
4. Skip the traditional holiday celebrations and go on a family vacation instead:
There is something to be said about skipping the common ways of celebrating the holidays and going on a great vacation with your family instead. Make the holidays about spending time with your family and making memories instead of how many expensive gifts you buy them. The true meaning of Christmas should be more about creating wonderful memories with those you love.
5. Include someone you know has no where to be for the holidays to your family dinner:
My sister started this tradition of inviting people outside the family, usually elderly folks, to the holiday family dinner or event. It was amazing to experience the gratitude of the people who joined our family for the holidays and it felt like the right thing to do, giving Christmas a fresh new meaning. There are after all so many people who would spend the holidays completely alone who would be thrilled to be invited to be a part of a loving event. Extending an invitation to someone other than family to your family event is likely one of the most meaningful and loving things you can do.
6. Celebrate Christmas after Christmas and save:
Save the celebrations for after the holidays and save money by buying things after the holidays when there are some crazy good sales. For some this may be an innovative way to save money and to take the stress off by saving. Make your own Christmas date and celebrate it after every one else.
There are many great ideas for how to celebrate the holidays besides overspending and becoming stressed. It is a known fact that people max out their credit during the holidays, many time to please their children, when the importance of Christmas is really more about our spirit and creating memories. Make this holiday one where you place the focus on what really matters like helping others who are more in need than you. Have a happy holiday!
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