Finding Your Light

Often times we find ourselves being challenged and feelings of darkness and despair edge their way into our mind, body and soul.  There are even times when for good reason we are feeling down whether it be a split or the loss of a person we love.  Nothing can completely shield us from the dark times because frankly life has its darkness and light both.  We are a vessel for light and darkness and the only thing we can do is to create the best balance in our life as we possibly can.

We can experience light again by: 

1. Counteract the darkness with light.  I call it applying love and light to the darkness by doing the very things that bring us light.  If you lose a loved one making an effort to see the light of that person and even focusing on the fun times will counter the darkness you are feeling.  Share the funny moments with another family member by saying: "Remember the time that Rafael ....".  Making light of the person's life will help you to process the darkness you are feeling and counteracts that dark period.

2.  Accept it.  One of the ways to address darkness is not to be in fear of it but rather to face it head on.  You are feeling darkness and sadness and all that needs to happen in the moment is to accept it and even embrace the darkness.  Feelings of sadness, despair and darkness are a part of life.  Give yourself permission to feel the feelings however dark they might be. We cannot hide from darkness and so it is best to accept it.

3.  Find some positive distraction.  Do something that will give you a break from the darkness and gloom.  Do something positive like working out for thirty minutes or going to see a movie with a friend.  A short distraction will demonstrate to you that life will go on and that the darkness is a reality but not permanent.

4.  Move the energy around.  Do something quickly to move your energy around like dancing to some  melody you like.  Yoga is another way to move your energy and turn the darkness around.  Although you may feel down again it will give you the much needed relief you need.  Whatever is ailing you, dancing can impact it in a positive way.

5. Have A tiny bit of faith.  The most useful tip I would give others is to have faith.  A small amount of faith "as in a mustard seed" will take us a long way from the dark times to the light.  Know in your heart that you will make it through this tough period and think about all the times you have made it through these difficult times in the past.  You can and you will be able to see the light again.  It is only a matter of believing you will and allowing time to process the situation at hand.

There you have it!  Take the day by the hand, embrace what is and have a little faith.  This are the ingredients to passing into the light from those dark times we will all experience at one time or another.  Move the energy and focus on the funny memories.  Look forward and know there will be a day that you will feel much better and believe that nothing, absolutely nothing can take you down.  

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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