I Don't Know Anything

When I review what I know I realize I don't know much.  For this very reason when others ask me what I know I respond with "I don't know anything".  When I am in a state of frustration and looking for answers there are those times when I understand that I don't know and that trying so hard to know is more frustrating than admitting that I don't have the answer.  It is when I admit to the fact that I do not know something I free myself from the notion that I need to know.  I surrender to the process when I don't know something and simply ride the wave.  I know that there will be many things I don't know and that not knowing is a part of the lessons in life.  It is for me a time of releasing and when I release I feel like things will unfold in a way that is natural and right for me.

We all know people who seem to know it all.  In fact we call them know it alls.  These folks will literally make up stories about what they have no clue about.  These are the people who believe that not knowing the answer to something reflects terribly on them when in fact no one can know everything.  People who appear to know everything cannot possibly know it all and the more we understand this truth the more we can get ourselves off the hook.  We truly do not have to be know it alls and in fact those who believe they do really don't know.  The pressure for someone to know everything is not just unnecessary it is ridiculous.

Our school experience is one that promotes knowing the answer.  When we raise our hand and we know the answer we are admired and rewarded by the teacher.  Not knowing the answer has the opposite effect and when we are unable to respond with the right answer others are likely to frown upon it.  We are made to feel that the goal in life is knowing the answers and that not knowing is a lack of something.  When we experience a world where we are asked to know the answers we tend to believe that this is what validates us, yet not knowing the answer and not caring to know is a form of surrender that is healthy and realistic in a world where we will experience things that we no nothing about.  We must be OK with not knowing and even with not ever knowing.

Some things in life are illusive and will always be illusive.  We may never know the true meaning of life or be completely sure that there is a God.  We might never know why human beings kill others or why some of us are called to become nuns.  We might not know why some of us are givers and others are takers.  We do not know so many things that it is evidence that we may not need to know.  We can accept what we don't know for sure and be whole and complete.  None of us will know everything there is to know and the truth is that we don't need to know everything.  Some things will be always be things we don't know.

As I live one more day I realize that sadness, rejection, fear, joy, illusion, confusion, love, hate, fantasy and compassion are all a part of the life journey.  If I can accept this then I can live life fully without concern for what I don't understand and what I don't have the answers to.  I become accepting of my life as it is and that perhaps this is the day to live my life spontaneously and freely without my intellect getting in my way.  Not knowing can be freeing.  Not knowing can be the best thing we need in life.  Embrace this fact and allow the universe to respond to your heart by letting go of what is in your head.  You have permission to not know and allow yourself to continue to feel the joy of life.
Elliott Maximo Collazo


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