4 Steps to Your Day

I am so convinced that I have figured out a truly simple way to one's day.  I like to think there are four steps to a great day that define each of the parts of your day before you retire to sleep, hopefully in peace and with ease and love.  The four steps are:

Gratitude Awakening: 
Get up each day with a thankful heart.  List those things that you are grateful for including the fact that you awoke to another day.  Before you open your eyes begin to think of the reasons that you are grateful to be alive and some of the beautiful things that you have been gifted with: your life, your children, your beating heart, your breath, your ability to see and your being given another day.  Instead of waking up miserable and feeling like this is just another work day and that life is a chore, think about love and the great things that you have in your life.  Thank Source for the job you have.  Thank Source for the bed you have and the warm home you live in.  Everything matters and everything is a chance to express gratitude, however small and however common.  Wake up to life with a sense of thankfulness.

Eating Right: 
Eat foods that nourish you and are healthy.  You know what fuels you and those foods are green and raw to a large degree.  Eat things that are filled with nutritional value rather than filled with sugar.  Make a concsious decision to eat things that are good for you and that will give you the energy you need to do what needs to be done and to drive you though the day.  When you see food that is not aligned with your health and well being do your best to pick over it and get to the things that are green and filled with self-love for your body and mind.  Remember that food is not just for the body but also for the mind.  We think more clearly when we eat healthy foods and balanced meals.  Eat for your mind, body and spirit and not just your body.

Serving Others: 
Every day is a day when you can serve others and do something for the world and for humankind.  Every day is a chance to serve people and give something of yourself.  The opportunities will come to you if you are walking around with an open heart.  Remind yourself to open your heart and that you are here to serve.  When you serve others you are thinking about how you can make a difference.  It could be as simple as helping an elder up the stairs onto the bus or picking up something someone dropped behind.  Be in your awareness of those around you and think about what you may do to serve and to be a servant of Spirit.  By serving you are living more fully.  By serving you are doing your part.  By serving you are living like you mean it.

Prayer and Solitude: 
At the end of each day stop everything, turn everything off and sit in solitude and silence.  Take the time to pray or meditate close to your bed in your bedroom or wherever you will be sleeping.  Meditate in silence sending peace to the world around you and love to the women and children who are suffering.  Speak to your source and shut the active mind down.  It is time to hold reverence and to surrender the body to rest.  You must know that you need the rest to get through another day and to produce the energy you will need.  Pray to your Source: God, Goddess, Angels or Spirit.  Ask and be satisfied with the way you lived your day.  Be accepting of how things unfolded and be accepting of the mistakes and the wins of the day.  Do not regret anything that happened.  Be at peace with everything that did happen.  Forgive the people who you deemed hurt you.  Forgive your mistakes of the day.  Shut down the systems and the gadgets and get the rest you need to begin another day of gratitude.  Of awakening in gratitude.


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