Ageless Living

I have been on a bit of a roll about the notion of aging and my own belief that we are ageless.  Some might look upon this idea of mine as being in denial when in fact even if that is true I am completely OK with that.  Denial can be a lovely thing and can serve us in wondrous ways.  I say that because like my with health opportunity (referred to some as cancer) denial has served me just great.  Age is a topic that most of us would rather not talk about in mixed company and unfortunately a topic that I might even say is a "hot topic" as the ladies on "The View" might call it.  It is a topic that is only hot because we make it uncomfortable for people who are "aging" and don't respect the wisdom and the beauty that comes with living longer and we are living longer that's for sure.

As I continue to dialog around this topic in my blogs I realize that I have more and more to say about it the more I ponder it.  Age?  What does that mean?  Why is it so important to some while less important to others?  What is the most beautiful time in a person's life?  Do men really age better than women and do why do we care?  Is one age group more valuable than another and to who?  Why do we even need to discuss this topic of age and why are we so obsessed with age and associate it so much to the beauty factor?  So many questions and so little time yet questions that seem to want to be answered or at least I have some yearning to do so.

What does this thing, this word age mean?  My immediate impulsive response is Absolutely Nothing.  Age is a state of mind and the word itself means nothing.  Age is a symptom like an illness that we get stuck on not realizing that age has nothing to do with anything.  People who are  ninety have an active and fun life while others who are thirty live a boring and miserable one.  People who are twenty are suicidal and hate life while people who are ninety nine are still swimming for an hour a day.  This is how we can be sure that age does not mean a dam thing.  We may have every intention to live a happy, full life but if we cannot leave age on the back shelf we will forever be ruled and motivated by something that means nothing.  If I were to give age a meaning I would simply say, it is meaningless.  Age is a three letter word that has nothing to do with anything.  There I said it.

Why is age so important to some while not to others?  I have found that if you are twenty two it matters to you that you are in the company and sexual of someone closer to your age and that dating a sixty year old might make you have second thoughts.  Although this is understandable we cannot explain why it is that there are sixty year olds connecting with thirty five year olds.  We cannot explain it because we aren't suppose to explain it, because in the end it does not matter but to the person making the decision to select someone who may be "older" than them and perhaps "too old for you" in someone's  eyes.  Age is important to people who cannot see that the creases and the transformation that takes  place is beautiful and a sign of wisdom and a particular brand of beauty.  Wisdom is beautiful if we can see it.  Expereince is beautiful if we can feel it.  Living a long life is precious and magical if we can see it and feel it.  Age is important to those who are stuck and cannot see the butterfly that came from the cocoon.  Age is important to people who are convinced of the lie that beauty has an age or that we stop being beautiful at a certain age.

Men do not age better than women in my opinion sex has nothing to do with age because both men and women are ageless.  The notion that men look better than women at any age is just a myth we have been spreading for years and that we have falsely learned to believe.  A man can look just as spent as a woman of the same age for the same reason: Not taking care of them self.  People of either sex need to tend to their skin, body, mind and spirit in the same manner.  If either sex drinks too much, does not get enough rest, eats horribly or neglects their soul they will both be equally spent looking.  Looking great is more about tending to the aspects of the self and loving thyself with all of one's heart.  Living an ageless life is about seeing the beautiful person we are inside male or female.  There is one factor that still seems to be unequal and that is the desire for men to look good versus that of women.  Women are more apt to take care of what they have and what I call "dress it up" or "decorate the body".  The bottom line is that whether you are a girl or a boy you are equally capable of looking and feeling great, having noting to do with your age or sex.

We are not more valuable at twenty than at seventy.  Our age does not make us more of anything or less of anything.  We should be valued equally at any age.  Our age should not determine whether we are more or less appealing, more or less beautiful, more or less intelligent or more or less credible.  This notion that we are more or less than due to our age is in a word, ridiculous.

The reason we are obsessed with age is because we are bombarded by images of youth and a perception of beauty that is limited and narrow minded.  On TV, In magazines, on Billboards and every where we turn we are hit ith an image that is false about both beautify and age.  In reality we are not obsessed with age at all but rather it is the adverstisements and the media that is obsessed with  presenting images of us that are limited and narrow in scope and looks.  This may never go away and so it is up to us as individuals to simly say no thanks to it.  Don't accept these false images of women and men.  We have to see ourselves as beautiful in our own right whether we are 18 or 80.  We have to be assured that our importace comes from our deeds.  We are not an age, we are ageless.  We are not an age we are free of a lable like age or any lable for that matter.

Live like you are ageless and like no one can see you dancing.  Keep smiling and keep dancing.  Keep doing and keep feeling the energy you want to feel.  Keep playing and singing, enjoying what is now in the moment.  Look at your image in the mirrror and see what you want to see and not what someone esle wants you to believe and see.  You are flawless and ageless for as long as you desire.


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