4 Things that Make You Important 2

In a world where we are trying harder than ever to validate ourselves finding what is important in us and in our life is harder than ever to pinpoint.  What makes me important?  This is the question that people ask me all the time.  What validates me?  This of course is just another way to ask the same question.   The first things that comes to us might be income and maybe in second place we might feel like it is education or our profession.  While many of us may go so far as to wonder if it is not the make of our car.

The answer to this question is simple.  We make ourselves important.  Nothing and no one make us important but our self.  No income, no car, no house and no amount of bravado will make you important.  The single thing that validates you and your value is you.  For some there is a Source outside of us that helps us to see how valuable we are, but even then we are the driver of our life like we are the driver of our own car.  We collaborate with Source but we are not important because someone else thinks us to be or due to some outer part of us like a prestigious job.

In short, here are the four things that make you important:

1.  You make you important:
You are the one person that needs to think of yourself as important and valuable.  You and only you can love who you are and think yourself beautiful enough, tall enough, talented enough and wise enough.  There is not one person in our life who can instill in us that we are valuable and that we deserve love.  You make yourself important.  If you can just remember that you will feel important every day and understand that all the things you do and say are important.  Everything you do and say has value.  You are important because you believe it.

2.  Your Deeds Make You Important:
How you behave towards others make you important.  What you do and do not do make you important in life but it is the deeds we do for others that make us valuable.  It is the volunteer work and the lifting of a hand to escort an elder onto a bus that matters.  It is everything you do with love.  It is the way that you move in the world that matters most.  None of it has to do with a reward system but rather a system based on compassion and love.  The loving and compassionate deeds we do make us valuable and gift others with something of importance and there is a lot of love and compassion needed on this earth.

3.  Your Spirit Makes You Important:
The deepest part of you is your spirit.  I believe that part resides in your heart.  That is the essence of who we are and it is made up of light.  It seems profound and complicated yet it is the most elementary part of us that gives us value and sustainence at one time.  It is with the spirit that we do things along life's path that matters and our spirit that asks us to be light and in a place of joy.  Your spirit makes you important and furthermore makes you valuable.

4.  Love Makes You Important:
You were born in love and love is the truth.  Hatred is a lie and in fact an illusion.  Love makes us valuable when we do things in a loving manner and live a loving life.  Love is the only thing that really matters.  We may not remember the love in us as children, even children who have been abused.  Love conquers the darkness in our lives.  Love protects us from everything that is not of love.  When we fear being hurt we must remember that love is all that is going to matter and all that will prevail.

I never thought I would be the person sharing this with you.  In fact I did not think I would be alive today over the last year.  Every month was a struggle and every day was a test for me yet these four things stand out for me.  My importance did not come from someone else, my degrees or all the wisdom or anger I have experienced in life.  I am not made up of the hatred I perceived that others had towards me.  In fact I am really made up of all the love I received and continue to receive.  The kind of love that is rare.  When I think of my importance I fail to come up with any specific thing with the exception of serving others and believing I am important enough and worthy enough to live.


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