Accessing Your Deeper Self

When people ask me what is our spirit I say that it is the "deepest part of us, the deepest part of who we are".  When I talk about spirituality I refer to the part of us that is most sacred and our heart center.  I believe that our spirit is located in our heart.  Our heart is the most sensitive and loving place inside of us, hence it makes sense that our spirit is in our heart.  Some of us believe we don't have a spirit and I have to disagree.  I think that each of us has a spirit and that the difference is that some have not acknowledged it or accessed it.  It is there whether we believe it or not.  Accessing our spirit is work and it is intentional work.  Our spirit comes forth through our intention for it to come forth.  There are many ways to access the our spirit, the deepest part of our being.  Here are some:

Invite Your Child Out to Play: 
One sure way of accessing your spirit is to access your inner child and invite that child out to play and feel safe to express.  I did this the other day by purchasing some matching cards for five dollars at a local store.  I was so excited when I found the cards and just loved the pictures on the cards, different from others I have seen.  At first I put the box of cards back and then I put it back in the cart.  My joy level went up as soon as I placed them back in the cart and even happier when I got home.  I opened the box, touched the cards and then played with them for a while.  Every step of the way I became more and more joyful.  Then I decided to make some Valentine decorations for the windows next to my front door.  I got the stickers and the construction paper and fancy cutting scissors and started slowly.  At first I was not as enthusiastic as I thought I would be but as time passed I got into more and more.  My level of joy increased with each display I completed.  It was so much fun but moreover it accessed my inner child and my spirit.  When we invite our inner kid to come out and play we invite our spirit to play.  We can feel it in our heart and our spirit becomes more and more playful.  Accessing our child is in turn accessing our heart and accessing our heart accesses our spirit.  We are lifted and feel lighter as we allow our selves to play and let our inner child feel safe and loved.  

Keep Moving: 
When we move about we move energy and when we move energy we feel lighter and our spirit is accessed automatically.  Dancing, exercising, walking or just moving to music in a way that feels freeing feeds our spirit.  We become lighter when we move and keep moving.  Staying still makes us stagnant while moving keeps us feeling healthy and well.  It reminds us of the fact that we can move and that we are blessed to be able to move.  Our spirit needs movement and there are so many ways to incorporate movement in our lives.  Just taking a walk helps us to stay up and in touch with life.  When we are in movement we are allowing our spirit to come forward and in fact we are accessing that spiritual part of us.  Happiness happens when we move about and we find ways to enjoy life by staying active and positive.  

Check In: 
Take the time to check in with yourself and ask yourself some key questions: 
How is my heart feeling right now? 
How can I connect with my spirit?
Am I living in the now and being present? 
How can I access my spirit more fully and lovingly? 
What needs to be healed right now? 

When we check in we ask questions that will provoke us to take some action and to first realize where we are and how we are feeling, never denying our feelings.  We take the time to make sure we are present and acknowledging where we are and what needs to happen to lift us up.  Checking in requires that we be gentle with ourselves and find out what is it we need in the moment.  Once we see and feel our feelings then and only then can we take action.  The actions we take are ones that we know are aligned with our heart's desire.  Every day we take the time to check in and hold reverent our feelings and our spiritual needs.  When we truly have the intention to live in our highest energy we do.  It is that simple.  But first we must be willing to respond to these key questions and then do what we need to do to nurture that void an to heal that hurt.  

Always remember that accessing you spirit is one of the most important things we can do for our soul and our being. 


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