Positive Acts Positive Results 1

Each morning I inevitably turn on The View and this morning is no exception.  I love me some Whoopie and Rosie Perez the best, although everyone in the show are great.  I like the light hearted content and the laughter that always happens on the show, a great way to start the day.  With so many dark shows on TV it is nice to watch something that is light and happy.  The View gives me a chance to immediately be playful and fun which brings me to the point of my blog today.

When we are going through difficult times in our life it is best to stay on the light side.  Yesterday in my "Course in Miracles" book reading group we talked about how light is our reality and that darkness is an illusion.  We discussed how we bring darkness in by thinking ourselves into dark places, that  darkness is around us and how much it effects our spirit.  There are many ways that darkness seems to creep into our lives and many more ways to bring the light into our lives.  During those dark times we can bring light in by:

Watching Positive TV: 

Stay in the light by watching things on TV that are positive like the Sunday Specials on OWN with Oprah.  "Super Soul Sunday" are a series of shows featuring spiritual leaders and others engaged in a discussion about the spirit and the light.  There are other shows that are fun like Jeopardy or Family Feud, both game shows that stimulate the mind and are usually light hearted in content.  Watching positive TV like old movies and family oriented shows keep that lightness going while the crime shows and reality TV perpetuate negative feelings, emotions and the content is many times negative and will bring your spirit down.  I love The View because normally it is happier subject matter and it makes me feel uplifted.  Positive TV is one way to keep that light momentum going in  your day.

Reading Positive or Spiritual Text: 

Another way to bring in the light is to read positive things.  I love books like "The Four Agreements" and other self loving books that help us to see life more clearly and with more love.  Reading text about murder may be entertaining but in the long run this kind of dark subject matter effect our level of joy.  Stick with text that is either spiritual or positive in nature.  In a book store or on line you can find positive texts under categories like "self-help" or "spirituality".  Of course the book can be simply entertaining and fun.  Choosing a book that is funny and light in content helps to keep us in a light filled place while choosing one that is hard and dark is likely to take us to that dark place just as a negative show would do.  Stay in the section of the book store where there are books on Art, Decorating, Daily Motivational and Devotional books to lift you to the light rather than away from it.

Listen to Happy Music:

Like TV and books there are songs that will lift us up and the ones that are more likely to bring us down.  Happy songs are ones with lyrics that are beautiful and that are not ones that are fowl or put down anyone for any reason.  Happy songs can be ones that praise Source or are about living well.  There is a song out by Pharell Willams called "Happy" that you cannot help but to dance to and feel good listening to.  The lyrics are all about happiness like "happiness is the truth" and I have to agree with him on that note.  Happy music is another way to connect with the light and to dampen the darkness we might be feeling in the moment.  We all know what songs bring is light and we should play those songs over the sad ones when we are feeling blue.  Some may argue that a sad song and a good cry is healing.  I would like to honor that by saying that if that works for you then in the end it is your decision to do what brings you light.  If a song that is sad allows you to emote and let the sadness go then for you that is the way to bring in your light.  Sometimes we need a good cry.

Think Positive Thoughts

This is a hard one for a lot of us especially when we are feeling down for one reason or another.  Thinking positive thoughts is really more like eliminating negative ones.  When the negative thoughts begin to  set in talk yourself out of it.  Tell yourself that negative thought is just an illusion and is not real.  Joy is reality.  Replace it with a positive thought and move on.

Every suggestion here is for your consumption.  You are the driver of your life.  Take this information and do what is best for you.  Try sticking to positive things for a week.  Watch and do positive things that you know have light in them.  See what happens at the end of that week.  When negativity wants to waltz in move away from it.  Think and do things that bring only light.


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