A Great Day is When

A great day is when:
You live it  consciously and fully present!
You share the day with someone you enjoy and love.
You don't think for a moment about anything dark or stressful all day long.
You are in touch with every fiber of who you are as a spiritual person having a human experience without judgement.

Today was one of those days when what could of gone wrong did.  I woke up in pain, I was emotionally confused, I was a little angry and even a little stressed.  I was also physically having a reaction one does not speak of at the dinner table.  I had to go to the restroom and so I thought about cancelling my luncheon with a friend by calling or texting him and then going right back to bed.  In fact I reset my phone alarm from 9am to 10am knowing that I just had to have one more hour in bed and one more hour of rest.  In a work I was a "mess" and feeling really sorry for myself.  Finally after a long battle with myself I made the decision to get ready and go to my lunch date.  I then spoke to myself stating things like: "I am going to live in the moment and enjoy the now".  Some of the other things that went through my mind were less consumable so I will keep those things to myself for now.

When I live consciously and present I make up my mind to drown out the outer voices and the inner ones as well.  I decide to let go of the thoughts about doing this or that or accomplishing my list of to do stuff.  That helps me to live in the moment.  When we want to live in the present and enjoy it we must let go of any future plans for the moment and just focus on now, the things right directly in front of us.  Being in that kind of conscious state of mind is not easy because we feel like we are being flipped but we are not, on the contrary we are honoring our selves fully.  Try it.

Decide on someone who you would like to spend part of your day with and call them.  Invite them into your world and your sacred space.  Make sure it is someone you enjoy and that will enjoy you, someone who loves you and sees your gifting them.  So many times we settle for just someone's company, anyone's company just to have someone to be with.  We don't settle when we pick the person we want to share our day with.  We simply select someone we think is truly happy and will come with their dose of joy to our table, our party.

Eliminate anything from your day that might be a stressor.  Don't call the cable company or the doctor's office on this day.  Take the stressors and dispose of them for the day.  Don't call your mother in law to hear her dissertation on what she thinks of herself or your sister who is in a troubled marriage.  Don't even go see a movie that is deep.  Spend no time on anything that might possibly stree you out or effect your spirit.  Just for today and if a dark thought comes to you, dump that as soon as you can.  Act as though you have thrown it into the garbage by doing something like writing it down and ripping it up.  I say cut that picture of your X-boyfriend and move on.  You decide on a day that has no room for darkness, period.

Get in touch with the spiritual part of you that is filled with light.  Sit down and close your eyes and think about that light pouring into your head from above you.  Reach out to your spirit and reach into your heart as you imagine nothing but light coming into your space all around you, surrounding you with love and light.  You cannot have a bad day when you have filled your spirit and heart with light. Take that time to do this each day before you start your day.  Fill yourself up because in all truth no one is going to do that for you.

A great day is when you decide how you want to live that day by staying present and accessing your light by taking the stressors and putting them up on the shelf for a time.  A great day is when you are in your heart and you chose who you will interact with and those you won't.  It is just as important to know how to say no to certain things that you realize are going to mess up your day.  A great day is the one you create by fixating on the positive things around you and you force that smile onto your face and show up for that luncheon even if you are not feeling perfectly great.  A great day is when you fly above the clouds and create your own light.

Elliott Collazo Gonzalez


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