Identify the Part in You that's Sleeping"

"The bear inside him was sleeping".

This line is from the movie:

I could not help but to take this line and run like hell with it.  I am no stranger to utilizing other people's lines and creating a blog from it, why not?  This time around I am thinking deeply about whether this line relates to the darkness or the light in my life.  The darkest  part of my life feels like it is behind me now yet there are times when I fight to see the light.

What I know is that darkness is an illusion and light is the reality.  It is like the cancer being a fact and not the truth of who I am or my two friends with cancer are.  We are not our cancer.  We are our dreams, our hopes and our light.  We are the "bucket list" of things we will do before we retire from life.  We are the sunlight that shines on our faces even in the winter days.  What I know is that we are the part that is sleeping.  The bear inside of us.  The bear inside the people we interact with.

I cannot talk about the bear I slept with nor do I want to go to that darkness anymore.  I have promised myself that the bear I slept with is now an illusion in my mind and whatever darkness came from it was for the good.  Every day I read the saying: "you meant to do me harm but God intended it all for good".

All this to say to you and your spirit that identifying the part in you that is sleeping becomes more important each day that we live.  To know who we are and to be connected with your breath.  All this to share that we are not always sure of the part of us that is sleeping or the one in others.  Being in touch with that part is not the solution but rather to identify it and move into the light.

That is my intention.


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