Running Fast with Scissors in Hand

Some of us are not just running from one thing to the next, we even have the nerve to have scissors in our hands.  It would be fine to have scissors in our hands if it were not for the fact that we are running.  We live frantically from one appointment to the next and one activity to the next so we don't have to think.  We don't have to think about the horrible mental state we are in, that we hate our job and that our relationship sucks.  We live so quickly as to forget that we are married to a bully or that our boss is really an asshole we dislike.  We go to the same job each day but we want more and we allow that job to deplete us.  We complain about what is wrong with our life but we don't take the time to breathe fully or kneel down and surrender our spirit.

I have been shocked at how many people live like this.  Their husband is having an affair with their best friend and they are working ten hours a day.  The children are snorting coke and smoking weed and they would not know it because they are "busy".  These are the people you cannot get a lunch date with but who have made the time to beat their husband over the head about not doing enough housework when they know good and well it will never happen and has not for fifteen years.  Shocked is likely not such a good word for what happens to me when I witness this busy behavior.  I call it that because that is all there is to it.  It is people keeping busy doing a lot of nothing and sometimes doing a lot of the same thing over and over, displeased with the outcome.

When I talk to people about their partners they will give me a list of the things that make them suspect of having an affair, then they ask me to pass the butter, well almost.  They go from my husband is having an affair to "oh well what can you do" and "I don't know what else to do".  In summation they pick up their bags and they go back to the same routine that might have driven their husband to seek attention elsewhere.  Not that I am condoning having an affair but can we get serious?  What is a guy suppose to do?

I remember asking a friend about his partner and him telling me that he never sees her and that he is lonely.  She in turn tells me that when she sees him he bullies her.  The cycle just goes around and around in circles.  She stays busy and he misses her and then they have another fight and then they make up.  It's perfect is it not?  Or is it?  Well I would venture to guess that this cycle is working for them and that until it explodes it will be the one they follow and follow and follow.  She will go to her guru weekends and he will stay home and drink bear and miss her until he gets really angry and lashes back the next time around.

We run with scissors all the time.  We run knowing it's dangerous and that we might fall and cut our center out but we do it anyway.  We run to work and then we run to a second job and then we run to have dinner with a friend and then we run home, run in and out of the shower and go to bed and then we get up running.  It's a life we know and a life that will only stop when we fall with the scissors in our hand and all hell breaks lose.  Then we wonder.  What happened?  Well, we can only run for so long and so hard.  We get stopped sooner or later and we then realize it is too late.  We lost the baby on the bus, we are headed to divorce and our body is fat because we forgot to exercise.  Or was it that we did not care to take care of our bodies?

Running with scissors is dangerous.  We know it, everyone knows it, a five year old knows it but we do it anyway.  We love to say "I am so busy" and we love to feel that kind of importance.  We love to have a date book filled with activities because it means we are "important and popular".  We run with the sharp scissors even though we know we will likely fall sooner than later and get cut but we don't care.

Try to stop running and see what happens, what unfolds naturally.  Try not to plan every single moment of your life and see what happens.  Slow yourself down and take some time to smell the trees and put on some clean pretty undies.  Stop running with your sharp instruments in your hand.  See how it feels to live in the moment and not have a plan.  Let me know how that works for you.
Elliott Maximo Collazo


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