Love You More Today

On a day like today when we are bombarded by the media about being in love and "that special someone" it will be very important for us to know that the love we have for our selves is usually more enduring, although at times harder to achieve.  Valentine's day hearts are everywhere and we cannot go anywhere to escape them.  The fact is you will need to love yourself more today!  How will you do that?

Stay in your soft pajamas or under your favorite throw and watch and old comedy.  Get yourself to laugh and lighten up that feeling that might be falsely dictating that because you are not in a relationship you cannot enjoy the day as much as anyone else.  Pamper yourself with a nice cup of hot chocolate and stay in and enjoy your own company.  After all is said and done you are the only company you have, your very own.

If you want to venture out go see a movie and take yourself to an informal dinner at a place where  they have seating at the bar.  There you will likely see or meet someone who is celebrating their self-love like you are.  Have a nice salad or a steak, whatever tickles your fancy.  Remember that today is your opportunity to do what you want to do, be where you want to be and give yourself what you like all around.

Give yourself a gift.  Buy a little gift for yourself if you've not already thought of it.  I bought mine yesterday and it was exactly what I wanted: a fancy Nike jogging pant and jacket and sleeveless T.  I Noted that it has red in it and that it was appropriate to my celebrating love for Elliott.  I got exactly what I wanted and you will to and you won't even have to worry about pretending you like it or returning it.

So today do what you wish to do and make your joy on your own.  We who are alone are with Source and keep that in mind too.  No one is completely alone and most of us have family members who love us and we can go visit.  You may even consider visiting a senior home and chatting with someone there about their love experiences and what their heart is feeling like.  Don't feel bad that you are not paired.  Not everyone needs to be paired with someone.

Now go enjoy the rest of your evening sipping tea and loving your self.  Elliott


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