4 Ways to a Better Week

Today is Monday and like many Mondays one wonders how this week can be different from the last one.  For those of us who work a nine to five every day it is hard to figure out how to start over each week and find ways to make it a better week but more than that a week that is more fruitful and enjoyable, maybe even more productive.  There are ways to purposely enjoy this week in a way that you did not enjoy it last week or to do this week in a different way:

1.  Leave the Day behind you:
Have a plan to enjoy the evening.  After a hard day at work it is best to leave the work behind you and not think about it anymore.  Do your best not to talk about work related issues and instead spend your time playing a game with your family or going out to dinner with friends.  Take the focus off of work and make it a point to not be that person who is always talking about work.  Once you have completed your work day make a motion that indicates that you are placing it down and let that symbol or movement represent you moving on to the rest of your day.  Remember that your work personality is not your real life person.  You get to be yourself once you walk out that door and you deserve to enjoy the rest of the day. Many of us think about our job 24/7 because we over identify with work and place our worth on our job.

2.  Take a short break each day and take ten deep breaths:
Take the time each day to breathe deeply and to ask your body and mind to relax.  Give yourself a  couple of minutes to get some stress off your plate and out of your head.  Breathe as deeply as you can at least a few times allowing all the air to come out of your body fully.  These deepest of breaths will help you to eliminate some tension in your body and help you to get back to what you are doing.

3.  Have a project in progress:
Don't let your work be the only important thing you are doing.  Have a project in progress whether it is sewing project, a writing project or a plan to go back to school.  Having a project is the best way to take the emphasis off of a JOB.  A project that makes us happy will also make us feel better about the sometimes mundane day after day at work.  A project makes our day more than just about work and with some creativity it can be something fun that will take the focus off the every day drudge.

4.  Cast you net out:
If you are unhappy with the job you are working it may be time to cast your net out.  Cast that net out there and let others know you are looking for another job that suits you better.  A new joy that fits your needs and wants may result in not just a better week but a better year.  It is an especially good reason to look into another job if week in and week out nothing is making it work for you and when each week is worse than the others.


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