How to Cease the Day

I feel like a lot of you will laugh when I tell you that the way that I cease my day most times is when I am feeling it.  I prepare myself at least two hours ahead of time to make sure I a acutely ready and that I am wide awake.  So if I have an appointment at 2pm I get up at 11am or so giving myself one hour for coffee and eats and one to just ponder my next move and then one to get ready and leave to my appointment.  I guess that makes three hours, OK, three.  The point is I take as much time as I need by getting up way before I am expected to be functioning.

A typical day for me might be getting up at about 9-10am, making my bed first and hurrying to make coffee while I click the TV to see The View.  By 11am when The View finishes I have had about three cups of coffee.  After that I make myself a smoothie which usually includes a bananas, pineapple, apple, coconut milk, raspberries and ice.  I drink that and then I do a short meditation of about 15 minutes.  I have to center myself before I make any calls or speak to anyone about anything, even talking to myself would be hard without my smoothie in me.  LMAO.

The next thing for me after the meditation is to center my mind and talk myself into getting dressed for my workouts on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, usually more upper body since I have some issues with my legs.  I can bike sometimes but no pounding on the knees and legs.  My workout is the first thing that needs to happen prior to grocery shopping or other errands although I make sure things are tidy in the house before I step out.  Being a clean freak is who I am, no apologies.

The way that I cease the day is by not ceasing it too fast.  I take my time for each step of the day and I do the things that nourish me first before I endeavor to do the things that are a little more difficult or not as much joy involved in doing.  I cease the day by taking my time and allowing myself the room and space to center my mind first.  If I have that luxury and usually I do, I let Elliott take some deep breaths and lay down and meditate first.

I like to start part of the day with some music.  I put on some Basia or maybe some Liquid Mind depending on how I feel.  Music stirs me up and I sometimes move about to it in any way it is possible, even laying down and moving my hands to the music.  Music is often times so healing and awakens the senses.  I love starting my day that way and lately I have been listening to some Christian Spanish music by Juan Luis Guerra who is just the best of the best in the area of modernizing traditional music that is beautiful.

I have written about the hurry sickness and how we work three jobs to stay busy.  I personally find that to be destructive and a waste of life.  Life is to be lived and in increments that are nice and peaceful and slow, not hard and fast and over the top.  Life is a process of unfolding each day and letting the mind think about what it needs to do and the body time to awaken.  Some of us take a little longer than others and as we season (age) we need a little more time to unfold.

No matter what you do to cease the day or how you decide to do it, have intention.  I think that is the most vital part of having a full and good day.  Have the intention to be in your joy.  Have the intention to do things that make you happy.  Have the intention to take your time and do things slowly.  Have the intention to love yourself fully and to experience joy.  My motto is obvious, take your good ass time.  I like that.  "Take Your Good Ass Time".  In fact post your motto up on a wall or door or on your office desk or both.  What is that one thing you need to remember about ceasing the day and enjoying it fully?  It could be:
"Slow Down and Smell the Love"
"Speak the Truth and Be Loving and Kind"
"Cease the Day with Intentions of Joy and Hope"
Now go cease the day my friends.  Do so with intention.  Do so with honesty and integrity.  Do it for yourself and not for anyone else.  Find that sweet spot and focus on it.  Cease the day!


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