More Love For Me

Today is the day after Valentine's Day and frankly I am a little relieved even though I had a nice time with my friend and mother of my kids Lucy.  Dinner and the flowing conversation about our kids and life flowed, even a little talk about the future.

I woke up grateful to have her in my life, a truly loving person.  A rock in my life and a person who has always accepted me exactly as I am.  Either way it is nice to leave this commercial day behind me and know that Hallmark invented it whereas my family and I have Love days all the time: our intention.  We pick times to be together and do things that are loving all the time, all year round and I write love letters and send cards to my children year round.  Love is not limited to holidays or Hallmark created days, although those can be fun too.

Today I made a date with an old friend and realized I had March 15 as my nearest Sunday where I could see her.  She and I both were a little taken aback by this fact.  I had not seen her in so long that now she has a five year old child which means it has been at least five years and nine months since I have seen her.  She texted me a picture of her son who is my youngest grandchild's age: 5.  At a time like this it is so healing to connect with old friends and a testament to our friendship.

The day after Love Day and My plans are to simply enjoy the day.  I am going to take the time to meditate and pray.  I am going to kick up my heels on the ottoman and sit on the soft sofa.  Make a smoothie with bananas, raspberries and pineapple: all fresh.  Enjoy some OWN TV and relax and stay in from the cold.

As the sun beams in I feel grateful for what I have.  I feel like God has gifted me with all that I need.  I feel whole just knowing that I have a warm place to be and a beautiful environment that God helped me to create.  Tonight I will continue the self love with candles at night and if I feel the urge go and workout my upper body for my trip to my friend out of state soon.  I know that no matter what I am blessed and not matter what happens around me it does not have to be my story for I am in the new story of Elliott that means: Joy, Love, Abundance, Excitement and Hope.


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