Life After Sixty Living Agelessly

Just yesterday I was chatting with a family of four and shared that I was sixty.  The daughter who was sixteen told me she could not believe I was sixty to which I recited my birthday and year I was born.   She went further to say that I looked like I was around forty and I of course thanked her and wanted to buy her a new car.  The truth about age is that we are ageless really.  We are ageless because we decide it so not because we are not aging but because I think we can be ageless.  We have all heard it before: "we are as old as we feel".  That is so true and in each individual case you are as old as you think or like me you are ageless and timeless.  No one has an expiration date nor must we either be a certain way, dress a particular way or act in a certain manner because now we are sixty versus when we were forty.  Staying young looking is really not about how we are but rather how we behave.  Behaving like we are sixty or as though we are now "old" is a symptom of a society that thinks that we are valuable if we are younger or we are prettier at 30 than at 60.  I have noted thirty year old women next to a sixty year old and found the sixty year old more attractive and able to present herself beautifully with her black dress, pumps and colored scarf.  That other girl may be thirty but she is not rocking a dress like the sixty year old woman who can and does walk across a room and get looks.   She is ageless because she choses to be.  She is ageless in her beauty because her beauty and her elegance has nothing to do with her chronological age.  It is most interesting to me that when the Gap company decided to use an "older" model how it absolutely proved my perception that we are timeless and ageless and don't have a specific date of expiration.  We can and are beautiful at any age.

I have thought about how we are and can be always ageless and beautiful and this is what I think: 

Be fashionable and Smart: 
It is OK to wear whatever you like and women especially have proven this to be the truth over and again.  There is not a certain style that you are suppose to wear or a particular pattern as long as you feel good in what you have on.  It does not have to be long and matronly or baggy and loose fitting.  What you wear makes a difference and it should be nice fabric and the color be one that accents your skin and looks great on you.  Accessories like scarves and bracelets add that jazzy artisitc piece to your body decorating.  Clothes are a way to stay ageless and look wonderful at every moment.  Selecting clothes that are crisp and up to date does wonders for the mind, body and the spirit.  It may be a joke that there is such a thing as "shopping therapy" but the truth is that it does help.  Looking great and buying a great new pair of shoes makes us feel uplifted and youthful.  We must remember that any age is the right age to strut our stuff and dress it all up.  Fashion was not made for someone else over there.  Fashion is for everyone.  Use beautiful fabrics and styles to enhance who you already are.  Be fashionably smart every day and every year.  

Have an Active Fun Energy: 
Act in ways that are fun and light hearted.  Behave in ways you like to show yourself up.  Forget what people said about "acting your age" and act the way you want and the way you would like to be seen.  Be playful and tell jokes.  Keep going out dancing and enjoying good times with friends over the weekend.  Maintain a fun energy about you and around you.  Keep yourself active and doing things that others might think are not age appropriate.  Don't listen to those folks who think that it is time to turn the towel in and become sedentary.  My sister is almost sixty and goes to the gym every day.  Not only does she walk to the gym in very cold weather these days (winter in Chicago) but she also lifts free weights along side younger men.  She is never thinking about her age and in fact does not give it a second thought.  She gets up, has her coffee, makes a smoothie or something to eat and off to the gym she goes.  This is what I mean about having the energy and continuing to do what you love to do, what makes you happy and keeps you on your toes.  An ageless attitude with an ageless frame of mind.

With the right attitude and the right wardrobe surely you cannot go wrong.  Today on The View Brinkley who is now 61 saccade across the stage in ankle boots, a black tunic jacket, crisp white blouse and leggings.  She looked smart, modern, beautiful and sharp, showing the world that a woman can look stunning and still turn heads at any age.  Sure she works out and sure she eats the right foods.  She likely uses her own facial products and makes sure to get enough rest.  In the end she shows us all the life after sixty is not just doable it can be done with class and sass.  Looking at where we are at at sixty and knowing we too can be fabulous at any age proves that life after sixty can be a blast and remain youthfully fun.  


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