Happy Love Day To You

I would like to reach out to every person out there who does not have an intimate relationship with one person: wife, husband, loving husband or wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, lover, life partner, soul mate or...  I want to wish us a Happy Love Day on what others call Valentine's Day.  Here are some loving things you could do for yourself.  I will share my plan first:

Today I am going to take my children's mother to a Valentine dinner at my favorite restaurant.  Before I leave my home I intend to make a loving gratitude list and the things I love about Elliott.  I will write my assets down and they will be things that I love about me.  After dinner I am planning to go see a movie.  I have purchased an outfit for myself and bought beautiful flowers for myself.  I lit candles in the living area and watched "You've Got Mail" one of my favorite movies.  It is romantic but moreover it is about friendship and people who went from one level of love to the one that was meaningful.  It was a reminder that love like that is awaiting me one day but if it is not I can love Elliott more and do more to bring him joy.  In preparation for V Day I went to a drumming circle, a reading on the "Course in Miracles" and an hour and a half Tibetan bell meditation.  All gifts to me for a series of love days leading up to today.  I even bought a coupled of red items for little Elliott.  The fun has just begun.

For those of you who are single there is life after relationship death.  In fact there is so much more to do and be.  You can love yourself freely without the obstacle of thinking you may need to love someone else more.  The mistake we make is that we believe that we have to have another person in our life to complete us.  We are complete they way we are as we are and that is the truth.  It may be a fact we are single but it is not the most important thing about us.  We have a lot to offer and now is the time to offer it.

I recently went to a nearby homeless shelter to meet with the director about how I can use my skills to help.  I was overjoyed to learn that he had his arms open to me and that I could be of service.  One of the best ways to secure your own value is by volunteering.  One of the best ways to see your light is to share it.  I mention this to all of you because I know how it feels and nothing is more beautiful than to know "You wished me harm, but God meant it all for good".  People are going to leave you and others are going to wish you ill will.  People are going to hate on you as they say but if you love yourself not one person's opinion will matter.  Love comes from two sources: God and You.  Love day can be a day where you share with others and whereby you bring joy to someone else like I am with my children's mother who loves me and is my friend.  Someone who has loved me for almost forty years if you can believe that.  That makes me feel worthy more than any spouse could and it is beautiful to have that in my life.

Feel yourself.  Feel your self-love.  Don't give up on you.  Use this day to nourish yourself.  Know that you are the love you need and will ever need.  Happy Love Day.


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