You Meant to Harm Me but God Had Another Plan

I am once again at a place spiritually and emotionally where my spirit wants to express my deep hurt about people who harm others in an irrational move to make themselves feel better, yet I do not believe that by meaning harm anyone of us will derive any form of joy.  Yet I am not naive and I realize that there are people who get something of pleasure from getting back at others or simply being mean spirited.  These are sometimes the same people who claim to have good reasons for their crude and mean behaviors.  Nothing can justify the putting down of another human being for our own gratification.  Nothing.

Sally was married for twelve years to a man whose mother would insult her at every turn.  She could do nothing right in her eyes even though to others she was an intelligent woman with what others would refer to as having impeccable taste.  She would adorn a table and every detail was well thought out.  The napkin holders were beautiful stainless steel shaped in a curved circular form.  She added place settings made of bird figures and the napkins were carefully ironed.  The flowers were purchased at least three days ahead of time so that they would be in full bloom.  She loved white roses and used them often for dinner parties to which her mother in law was invited with a pretty invitation she emailed to her.  In the end her mother in law would find something wrong to criticize coaching her comments in a joke.  On one occasion she commented on the placement of the silverware stating that it was "a strange placement".  In the end her relationship ended in divorce and her mother in law remained a bitch, but the up side Sally feels overjoyed to not have to answer to her anymore and returned her son  ( a poor excuse for a partner or spouse) to her with joy.  Sally is now a beautiful single woman who understands that her talents are not to be evaluated but rather appreciated by the people she loves and who love her.  Her mother in law intended her harm but in the end god had another plan for her.

When we are placed in a position where others disrespect us we must know that this type of anger is fueled by jealousy and insecurity.  When others cannot see your gifts as  gift it is only because they cannot come outside their own ego and appreciate another person's beauty.  They are injured and in their life they were put down and criticized, and to make matters worse they are what I refer to as "untreated and unhealed".  These are the people who have not bothered to get the help they need and the ones who are the most judgemental.  The good news is that if we are healed and do our work what they think and do does not matter.  The charge will not be there as long as we are in a knowing and we are in our own hearts.  No one can repeatedly abuse us without our permission.  Sally is only one example of a person who did not allow someone who wanted to harm her deter her from her joy and faith.  In fact it made her stronger and she learned a little more wisdom to follow her the rest of her days.  Sally has since passed away but her spirit lives inside a thousand women who survived and grew from her experiences.


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