The Bad Times Are Our Teacher 2

It is the difficult stuff that teaches us the biggest and deepest lessons in life.  The betrayals, the abuse, the abandonment, the physical abuse, the bullying and the profanity towards us.  It is the tough things in life that transform us and help us to change.  Life is full of things that we cannot control like waiting in line at the grocery store or having to wait for the turn arrow to make a left turn in our car.  When we fight the reality that life can be dark and we have some bad times in life, we are fighting against the reality of what is.  Acceptance is key and when we accept the outcome that we cannot change we take our peace of mind back.  Not accepting what is simply makes it harder to live.

Life is about suffering.  If you don't transform from your dark experiences  you will continue to suffer even more.  You will continue just to float through life rather than actually living life in its fullness.  In life there is this series or things that will happen to us like a death in our family or a dent on our car.  I love the words some use "Shit Happens".  The reality is that shit does happen to us.  As long as we are living and not hiding and sitting back in a corner we are going to experience some crap.  We must only know it and move beyond it, especially we must learn from it to grow.

We must be happy and accept what is, not attempt to change it.  When we accept what is it does not mean that it is forever or that it is the last word.  We can change things for the better, just that in the beginning we need to see what is the reality.  How we change is by seeing our suffering as a lesson of some kind where we can learn and then do better next time.  We don't need to make an effort to change our situation bur rather make an effort to attempt to do better next time or to move beyond it if there is nothing we can do about it.  We must be joyful in spite of what is going on around us, as joyful as we can be, as happy as we possibly can access from our center, our heart.

When something happens to me that is negative now I still have trouble understanding why but have become better at accepting it.  I don't fight it so much anymore knowing that there are times when people will happen onto us and things will happen onto us.  In this case I have to be in forgiveness towards the person or situation and not be down on myself, not blame Elliott.  It is like the cancer.  At first I could only think that I deserved to be ill and that this illness was my own fault.  It happened because I was sinful or bad.  It happened because I did something to someone.  It happened because I am an unlucky person.  It happened because I did not like myself enough.  It happened because I did not pray enough to God.  It happened because I did not have enough faith in God and man.  Now that I know better I can do better as Maya has reminded me once again, speaking to me from above me.  Now that you know better you too can do better.
Elliott Collazo Gonzalez


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