How to be Happier

This is what ET said to Elliott in the movie by the same title "ET"

"You could be happy here we could be happy together"

Thankfully we are not that gulable nor do we believe everything others tell us or so we think.  The truth is that we are gulagble and we fall for these kinds of lines all the time knowing fully that no one can or will make us happy.  If you think so I would invite you to keep trying until you find that person or relationship that will access the joy that you need to get for yourself.

Happiness does not happen to us, we invite it with intention and our actions.  We do so by making the right choices for our selves.  We get it by ceasing it and knowing that there is not a shortage of joy.  We don't get it from someone else even though there could be those who will make us smile and even laugh loudly.  Our happiness is our own and we obtain it pretty much on our own.

Collaboration is one of the most simple ways to be happy.  Collaborate with the energy and people around you.  Connect with the nature and the family of origin.  By doing so you find your joy because you initiate it and are not expecting anyone else to bring the connections to you as if by magic.

I have friends who have been telling me they want to connect with me and that they feel so disconnected.  I think they like being disconnected and the reason is because they won't have to face their feelings about me my illness or my personal issues.  I cannot say that I blame them with the exception that I need to stop calling on them knowing they won't respond.  It is a waste of energy better spent on the people who are connecting with me and the life I really want to live fully and without this expectation that someone somewhere will come alive and heme give me something I need to get on my own.  One such person said that she had two experiences with people who suddenly stopped communicating with her.  Not surprising.

What I know today is that joy is my own stuff to address with or without friends or close relatives.  I have not seen some of my relatives in months.  Recently one of them told asked me if I was moving back to the city.  I sensed this was for her convenience yet I know that I cannot take it and personalize it.  I am responsible for my own joy.  Just me and me alone.

We search everywhere for someone to make us happy and we are right there in front of us.  We are searching and will do so endlessly for love because we are absent of love and are unable to give it to ourselves.  We keep looking for love here and there and yet love is us.  Love is me and love is you.  We can stop looking for love now.


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