Live or Die 2

One day in all of our lives we might have to choose between living or dying.  Dying comes in many forms and death by body is not the only one.  We die emotionally, spiritually ,creatively, not just physically.  There will be many times when we will be asked or we will ask ourselves if we would like to live or we would rather die.  Dying should not be an option yet we entertain it all the time.  I know I have.

Since the beginning of my journey with a health opportunity as I like to call it I have wanted to die several times.  In some cases the trigger was a single event and in others a person or persons.  I was rejected, then I was left alone, then I was asked if I loved someone, then a person tells me she can't talk to me anymore, then the doctors told me I had about two days to live if I was not operated on again, then someone threatened my livelihood, my well being and then I was bullied for a time and finally I came out of the other end of it wanting to be dead.  Over and over and over again.  If it was not an incident it was a person's opinion of me or it was a cruel intention by some person or another.  At each turn I thought for sure I would die or jump off the bridge but I did not.  Surprisingly each incident and each mean thing someone did made me stronger until I overcame each situation and rose above it.  Every day I would read the sign on my door: "You Intended Me Harm, But God Intended It All For Good".  I know now that the intent to harm me has been transformed into good.  I know one thing now and that is that when someone tells me something or shows me who they are to listen and to run for safety.

One day in all of our lives we might have wanted to die.  We could have wished it over and again.  Each day was a miserable time of it and we wished to be gone.  Everything around us seemed to crumble and everyone around us seemed to be in a state of hatred but we did not crumble.  We got up and we wiped our asses off and kept walking.  We made it through the eye of the storm.

I recall one time sharing with a group of people at a dinner table that I believed in spirits around us.  I shared that I'd actually seen one in their home.  In response I was laughed at and told that it was nice that I had kept that to myself, as if to say I should have continued to do so.  My heart sank and I felt like a fool at that moment.  Today what I see is that the non-believers are outnumbered by the believers.  There are more and more of us who know we are in a world surrounded by spirits and spiritual karma.  Not that many people are laughing and being disrespectful anymore or at least not as often.  Spirit is in everyone and we are all with spirit whether we know it or not.  Today it does not matter that I was made fun of and indirectly put down.  Today I know my truth and I can stand by it.

The people who believe they have a choice as to whether they will live or die are sadly mistaken.  We are all going to die.  The ones that think themselves invincible will not be so much when their day comes.  None of those folks will be laughing when they find themselves in a tornado or a horrible situation and they see spirits lifting them up.  As many of them will no longer make a joke when they are in their own death bed wondering why they are feeling incomplete and being asked to respond to the light.  It is the ones who think themselves so superior from others that will know the truth about life and about the soul.  It is not my place to share my truth with them when they are obviously not ready.  When they are in a state of cool and cow laughter.

As the spirits surround us let us at least respect this truth and at least not boast and become rude because of our inability to see them.  What matters most is not how invinsible you may think you are because we are all made of skin and bones, none of us are excluded from the plan of life.  As the spirits surround us let us at least respect others who believe in something bigger than ourselves.  It will not hurt us to become humble and clear our ego of the things that make us so arrogant and so far from God.
Elliott Collazo


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