Te Desean

"They desire you.  Of course they desire you.  The way that I did before you were mine.  They desire you when you sing, when you dance, when you cross the street.  If you knew that you are much more than the fire.  They desire you from north to south, from your head to your toes.  I know you noticed it.  That they love you, that I love you.  They don't look at you they devour you.  If you knew that you are much more.  It 's a dream to be in your waves.  We desire each other my love of my life."

This is a small scale translation of a song by Luis Miguel called "Te Desean".  It is one of the most romantic songs I have ever heard and if you know Spanish it is impeccable.  The lyrics will make you melt an the feeling will embrace you like a beautiful embrace.  I was raised listening to songs like these that are second nature to me.  I feel them with every fiber of my being.  Sometimes they elicit pain and other times a feeling of joy and hope in love.  In another one of his songs he says "if you  promise to forget me I will in turn forget you".  It is heart wrenching what it must feel like to be in that kind of love and that kind of pain over loving someone.

What we desire for others is not always what comes to fruition.  No matter what we would love for someone we cannot give it to them.  We cannot make them see the light or the intensity of a love song like the ones Luis Miguel sings or Julio Iglesias.  We can be fooled by those who say they know but there are so few who do.

Love is beautiful and no matter what the outcome we have had the experience and we are a more learned person for it.  We may not have had all that we wished for but we took a chance on love and that is really all that matters.  Allowing ourselves to love is the essential part of living a life that is fuller and more vibrant if only for a short time.  Love songs tell us that if we listen closely, especially the gorgeous Spanish ones.  The ones I heard all my life when my uncle listened to Jose Feliciano songs and cried.

We Latinos feel romance in a way that is very special to me.  When a singer sings a song we feel it.  When we love someone we love them.  There is not question as to our loyalty and our  passion.  Some people cannot understand that kind of love and that is perfectly fine.  I understand it because that is what I learned from the time I first fell in love with Lucy.  That was love at it's highest level.  A love that matched the love songs I'd heard before.

Luis Miguel says:" Amorcito corazon yo tengo temptacion de un beso, yo quiero ser un solo ser y
estar contigo".  Comaneros en el bien y el mal".  Amorcito corazon seras mi amor".  Amorcito I have a temptation for a kiss.  I want to be one soul with you.  Companions in the bad times and the good times.  Amorcito my heart, you are my love.

The words are so meaningful but only to people like me that understand the intensity and the scope of the music.  And only to those who are truly open hearted and can go outside their culture and hear the lyrical melody and feel the deepness of the music.  I am so glad that now I can sit and listen to this music and not be criticized or critiqued about it.  I am so grateful to be Latino and proud.  I am so happy to be free of the chains that I placed on myself by being with others who disrespected my culture, my music and my life.  Can I hear an amen?  


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