How to Make Your Life Fuller

In the movie that I saw with a friend on Netflix (suggested by her as "an old but good movie) there was a line "they looked over their brother like he was a treasure"  as two boys past their little brother from one to the other over a stream with care.  I could only think how my little Isabella is a treasure to her sister who is eight years older than her, she 13 and her sister 5.  IN the movie the people are Americans who have been raised aound American indians, in many ways adopting the ways and customs of the Indians.  If we could only adopt the ways of people before us like Indians who lived with such simple premises of love and honor, courage and patience.  If only we could honor each other in that way, the way that the old school inhabitants of our United States did, the ones we stold their land from.  If we could live off the land and enjoy the beauty of the rivers like the Indians did.  The irony of this movie is that in part this is what this family did adding their own special spin on it.  

We are so accustomed to having everything at our fingertips.  We are so spoiled with the modern things of life we forget all about the nature that surrounds us.  More and more of us are realizing this and getting out of the cities and into more remote areas or where there is more nature around us, more oxogen.  People are leaving six digitt incomes and more for a simpler life with cleaner air and the fragrance of freesia.  We wake up one day and we see that there is more to life than a penthouse apartment and so much cement we cannot breathe properly.  I myself am enamored by this new life of mine in a home that backs up to a lake and trees all around me.  I finally have experienced the joy of the privacy of a single family home and the sunlight beaming in every day through my two story family room.  I have never felt so free and so in love with my environment as I do now.  

It is so ironic to me that this film has bought some things about life forward for me that are meaningful, like breathing cleaner air and feeling safer than I have ever felt before.  Sometimes it is only taking the risk that makes our lives turn around for the better.  Sometimes we need to see the other side to understand how meaningful it could be to us and how much joy it could bring.  Sometimes we just have to open our hearts to more and to jump right out of our boxes.  We need to experience something new and fresh that we are fearful of but that turns out to be a wonderful journey.  

Today I think of the newness in my life and how the pain and the tears mixed in with the laughter have enlightened me and taken me further down the road of happiness.  Today I think about a future in Pingree Grove and in Geneva and St. Charles where I am being called to serve.  I attend a meditation, a drumming circle and a book reading of the Course in Miracles in Elgin and visit the antique shop there where I am getting to know that elder man who owns it and embraces me each time.  All the experiences I'd not had if it were not for my open heart and if it were not for the pain.  I am becoming more of who I really am, day by day as anyone can.  Like me there are many of you yearning to break out of the ordinary places and venture into experiences that are new and fresh.  I love the line in the "Forest Gump" movie "life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your going to get".  

In order that we may make our life fuller we must take a chance. 


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