Listen to Your Intuition

A long time ago I read a book by Sonia Choquette whom I am a big fan of based in part on intuition.  In the book she states that we all are psychic and that we all have intuition.  Since that time I have looked back at some of the thoughts I have had and things I have seen that come to fruition and understand that I am intuitive just as she said.  I have intuitive powers and so does everyone else.  The difference is believing and accessing that intuition or psychic ability.  Things will come to us naturally when we begin to want an answer or a need to figure out the outcome to something in our life.  We receive our intuition when we ask for it.  It is a feeling of knowing that we are being guided towards and we can feel it in our core.  We all have it.

Your intuition tells you what is going to happen if you do A or B.  If you stay with a person in relationship or it will tell you not to be in that relationship.  Your intuition will guide you to the kind of work you should be doing that will bring you more joy or that you are going to meet someone who will be your soul mate.  Your intuition is working all the time and it comes to you in subtle ways and all of a sudden.  You might be in a room and suddenly feel like you need to look in back of you and talk to that person.  Then that person ends up being someone you relate to very well, your like and maybe you would ask out on a date.  You are walking towards the corner of a street and you stop, something says stop and there is a bad accident where a car comes up to the curb of the sidewalk.  Intuition helps us to make decisions we need to make by nudging us.  People will share this concept all the time with us saying things like I just thought this or that was going to happen and it did.  It could be the death of a family member or a pregnancy of  person we know has been wanting to have a baby but it's been difficult.  The importance of listening to your intuition is underlined by people who see yellow flags about others and ignore them.  That is ignoring our intuition and when we do we can sometimes pay a high price either emotionally or physically.

Listen to your intuition as it is your inner voice and your inner guide.  It will help you to make good decisions and stay away from places where you might be in danger or be hurt emotionally.  Listening to our intuition is simply listening to the inner voice.  That voice is inside each of us asking us questions and telling us what to do and not do, where to go and not go based on those thoughts right behind our head.  When we listen to those thoughts and messages we live a life that is more attuned to what we should be and what we should be doing that is in our very highest vibration and to our advantage.  It tells us what is best for us and what is not so good for us.  When we listen to our intuition we live authentically because we are consistently listening to the messages we are receiving from various sources and from the energy around us.

Why is it important to listen to our intuition, that psychic source?  It is important because it is our intuition that will help us to make the right decisions, get on the right path for us, see things more clearly and avoid some of the pains of life.  It is important to listen to that psychic person in order to live more fully and more authentically.  It is us listening to our heart and our soul.  It is us listening to the guidance outside of us like Spirit, God or Source.  It is us listening to ourselves.  When we do this we truly have a grasp of what we are being asked to do and where we are going.  It clears our path and makes it so that it is not as difficult to live.  When we don't listen to it that is when our souls dies and we stay in jobs we hate and we keep relationships we are unhappy in and we ignore the red and yellow flags that tell us that something is very wrong.

Yes, we are all intuitive and yes you are intuitive as well.  It may be that you need to quite the mind to access it however it is there even in the most chaotic and loud moments.  Follow your intuition and you are following your lead.  Follow your intuition and know that you are doing the right thing for your self.


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