4 Important Things in Life .

There are some very poignant things about life that are important to living our life fully.  Sometimes we forget the basics of life and those basic feelings and actions that keep us lifted and help us be more alive and more of who we are.  These basic things help us to live a fuller life and a life filled with good reasons to live.  How we think has a lot to do with how we live.  What we really believe has everything to do with how we live our life as well.

Here are four basic important things about life that will help us to live life more fully and more complete:

1.  Awaken to Gratitude: 
Get up each day and be grateful.  Be appreciative of all that you have and all that you are.  Count every blessing every day.  When you get up, that very moment that you arise, thank God for what you have starting with the fact that you woke up to one more day.  The very first thing about life is to tell yourself how fortunate you are to be alive.  Look at your hands and count the fingers on your hands.  Look at your feet and count those ten toes.  Look in the mirror and be grateful to have sight, to be able to see.  As soon as you get up begin to list your gratitude.

2.  Ask how you can serve: 
Ask yourself what you can do today to serve others or to be of service in the world.  It may not come to you right away but soon into the day you will get chances to serve someone because an opportunity will arise.  There are many ways you can serve others: carry their groceries to their car, pick up something someone drops, allowing someone to go ahead of you in line or sharing a smile with a person who seems to need it.  At times it is the most simple thing that will make a difference.  When you get up just ask yourself how you can serve and proceed to do it.

3.  See the Good in Everyone: 
Instead of being suspicious of others try to see the good in everyeone.  Decide first thing in the day that you are going to see the good in others.  Smile at others as if they were an old friend and as if you just know they are a good person.  Look at every person as if they are surrounded by light and love.  See each person as though they are beautiful inside and then they willl look beautiful inside as as well.  Look at every person as if they have something wonderful to share with you and as if they are ready to open their hearts up to you and others.  It is easy to see what is wrong with others when we are looking for it.  Likewise when we are looking for the good we find good in each person we encounter.  See the good in everyone and they will see the good in you.

4.  Do Something Active Everyday: 
Plan on doing one thing every day that is active, fun or at least useful.  Do something every day as simple as takinga  walk or a bike ride.  Do a workout for 20-30 minutes or begin a project making a peice of jewlery or painting a small canvas.  Do someting that requires you to be active and by doing so tell your body that you are worthwhile.  One of the things that we do is to become imobal and inactive when we are feeling down.  If we force ourselves to do one active thing it will help us to come out of our own "funk".


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