Four Reasons to Love Thee

There are basically four good reasons to love you:

1.  You are worth loving.
2.  If you don't love yourself who will?
3.  Love really starts with you.
4.  Hating yourself is a really bad option.

You are worthy of loving yourself:
The fact is that you have to start by knowing that you are worth loving and that loving yourself is saying yes to your worth as a human being.  Loving yourself is the most worthy cause you can possibly have for feeling like you belong in this world and that you have a space in it and there is plenty of space.

If you don't who will?
Think about it.  If you don't love yourself no one is going to come along and love you for you.  You have to be the  very first person in line to loving you.  No one is responsible to love you and no one will unless you love you first.  People can sense when you don't like yourself and they will treat you accordingly.  Love you because if you don't love you no one else is going to make you love yourself.  In fact there will be those who will take advantage of your self-loathing and add some insult to injury by abusing you.

Love really begins with you:
Love starts with you.  You are the very first person to realize that you should love yourself and acknowledge your self-loving.  Start by loving yourself and believe me others will follow because they are aware that you are worthy of being loved and you are sending the message to them that their love is fluff added to the ice cream like whip cream.

Hating is a bad option:
I want to be clear in saying that self-hate is a really bad option.  This route will take you into darkness and despair and when you follow that self-hate path you are heading for destruction.  Hate is not an option because only love will heal you and only love will honor you through every single thing you encounter.  If we look at hate as toxic then we know how important it is to apply love to our self.  If we see hate as bad then it is an easy solution to think that love is the answer, because it is.

So now that you know of four good reasons to love thee let me leave you with the thought that love begets more love and that love is the natural healing source of the world.  On top of it all is the fact that it costs nothing.  It is completely free and there is an abundance of it.  I think it is because it is free.  So feel free to love thee and feel free to love thee without conditions or limits.  Love thee as much as you want.  Love thee with all your power and all your heart.  Feel the love every day and then once it penetrates you pass it on.  It will be then and only then that you will have the power to pass it on.  Even to those who you may think don't deserve it, because honestly we all do.


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