Another Day In Life

Every day that we get up is another day in our life.   It is a  wonderful chance to do something different with our lives.  It is  chance to have some new experiences and new joys.  We don't have to plan the day but to know that we will be open hearted and willing to have some new adventures happen to us.  Having the willingness to just say yes to things we would normally not say yes to.  If we awaken to the day and are fearless we can enjoy something new and do something new.

For me just allowing myself to listen closer and to look more attentively will result in some new experiences that I might not normally have if I were not more attentive, paying attention to what it is that universe is trying to teach me or bring to me that day.  At times it's a new person I meet or just a chance to smile and be friendly with others, practicing my social skills and proving that I can get out of the normal routine and take a chance on being different, learning something different, being different.  It is not difficult to find the chance to be different, react different and have a different experience.  It really boils down to taking a chance.

Another day in our life is not just another day in our life.  The truth is that every day is important and means something.  Every day is a day to truly make into the most of what you can.  Every day is a chance to build something differently and to experience newness.  Every day is another day in the life of a person who is essential and deserving of love.  Every day is a beautiful day in the life of every person no matter who you are, not matter how many mistakes you have made in life.  Every day is a new day that brings with it an opportunity to change, grow, learn and believe.

So now that you know that a day in your life is more than a day in your life make certain to live it fully.  Every day in your life is important and has meaning.  Every day in your life you can make something happen that could end up being special like lifting someone else who needs lifting.  Every day is a chance to show the world that you have something inside of you to give and something inside of you to share with the world.

So sing your special song, dance your happy dance, laugh your special laugh, be the most you can be, every day of your life, every moment that you live.


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