Hate Will Kill You

I like to think that I have never ever used the word hate in relation to anyone, but like everyone else I have.  I even have some people on my list that I think are truly asinine and poor excuses for human beings, however holding on to that thought for more than the time it takes to express it is like drinking poison so I won't elaborate.  LOL, LMAO, OMG and WTF.  Ok, I feel better now.

Hate will kill us.  Hate is poison.  That is really all we need to know about hate is it not?  I mean it is so obvious and so simple a fact.  We should know this right?  We should have it down and memorized right?  But the truth is we don't and when we continue to hate we continue to invite hatred into our lives.  We also are not a very good example of what it is to be spiritual.  Hate does not fit the spiritual mold.  Hate is for haters and haters don't get a ticket to heaven on earth.  In fact they do get a ticket to their own form of hell on earth and they don't even have to die.

The people we are angry at, the people we say we hate are not only doing well they cannot feel a thing.  In fact they are clueless to our venom and they are happily living their lives doing whatever they do.  It does not matter what we think of them or their behaviors.  It does not matter what we think of them.  What matters is that we are unglued over something or someone who can no longer hurt us if we simply forgive them and keep dancing, or in my case walking.

Hate is a strong word people say to me all the time.  No one likes to use it out loud because the moment we do we become afraid that we are going to go to hell but we are not.  In fact we are already in our special place in hell on earth in the here and now.  We don't need to die to experience hell.  When we hate we are living alive in hell because hatred drags us there.  There is no use in hating, none at all.  In fact there is no benefit either.  You can state you hate someone a hundred times if you like yet what people hear is that you hate yourself and that you are giving someone your power.  Take your power back and love those people who you think are your enemies.

Don't drag yourself down by spending energy in hate.  Don't drag yourself to the level of the people who hurt you even if you think they did so on purpose.  Don't lower yourself to hate because hate is the lowest place you can be and it will kill you.  Did you hear that folks?  It will kill you.

I love the saying and have shared it before:
"HATE is like taking poison and expecting the other person do die."  So there you have it.


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