Drop Everything and Dance

There are days when we must decide to drop all the responsibilities and enjoy the day.  I call it "drop everything and dance".  It means it is time to let go of all the bill paying and house keeping and just have some fun by enjoying the moment.  Today is after all Friday and the end of the week.  I for one have spent the week making calls about medical bills,  the cable service and even some Realtors.  It feels like it is time for me to take a break until Monday and so that is what I will do.

When you drop everything and dance you do things that are fun and that bring you joy.  You decide that the rest of the week will be all about enjoying every moment of the day and letting go of anything that is not urgent, doing only the things that you must do that really truly honestly cannot wait.  Doing what you would like for a couple of days will rejuvenate you and refresh your start button.  So many times we forget that our bodies and minds need time to restart and get cleared.  We clear our computer, we clear our phones, we clear our laptops, we clear our fridge but we forget to clear ourselves.  Clearing ourselves of the things we do every day like work and then tasks at home is significantly important to the renewal of our mind, body and soul.  Take the time to dance.

So what are some of the things you could be doing besides working in the home, making appointments and fixing issues?  There are so many but here are a few:

1.  Get dressed as though you know where you are going because you are going somewhere.  You are going to leave the house and by the time you get in the car or outside you will know where you are going.  Just decide to get ready and get out.

2.  Talk yourself out of making any calls or appointments that will stress you out.  Put it all aside in a pile on the counter until Monday.  Tell yourself that the world will survive and everyone else will if you don't do these tasks today.

3.  Make a list of some fun things you could be doing today.  Highlight at least two or three of the things on the list that you are sure you are going to thrive to do in order to enjoy the day.

4.  Turn off the TV.  Usually the main reason we are still sitting on our asses is because the TV is on and it is getting all our attention or at least way too much of it.  Watch one show that you love today but turn it off for now and make plans to leave your home.

5.  Make plans with a friend or your partner to baby sit the children.  The children will likely enjoy a day off from you as much as you would a day off from them.  Let them have a play date with a friend and his or her children for a few hours while you dance.

Whatever you do today start by preparing, getting ready.  You don't have to know where you are going or what you are doing.  You are simply telling your mind and body that you are going to do something other than staying home.  By telling your mind that you are going somewhere you will inevitably actually go out.  Stop everything, turn off the TV and get ready to dance.

Elliott Collazo Gonzalez


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