Four Reasons to Keep Going

Some days we want to just give up and hide.  Some of us are staying in bed for way too long and avoiding the start of the day.  Others are wasting time watching TV and drinking several cups of coffee when it is already way past the time we should be taking a nice shower or bath and starting our day.  Then there are those who are doing things like painting and writing their memoirs.  Not everyone is avoiding a start to their day so for those of us who keep going let's talk about the reasons to get jump started into our day and into our lovely life.  After all as long as we are alive there is a reason to keep going.

1.  Your Alive and Worthy: 
The main reason to keep going is to send your spirit the message that life is worth living.  You have a reason to be alive and you have many reasons to keep going.  That is the first message you want to send your soul and your heart, the deepest part of who you are.  Be in your knowing that the reason that you are here is to live your life.  Your breathing alone is a message that you should keep going.  To sit back and not do anything is giving your soul the message that you are unworthy.  On the other hand acknowledging that you have been gifted this day is reason enough to keep going.  When you keep going you do everything you can to show your inner self that you are worthy and that alone is a beautiful start.

2.  Life is Ever Changing: 
Knowing that life changes and that from one day or moment to another things change.  They do so automatically because that is the way life is.  You cannot become discouraged and instead you want to become encouraged that sooner than later this feeling of darkness, apathy, fear or sadness will resolve itself.  Life is a cycle and every one of us lives in that cycle.  We cannot avoid it and if we wait patiently enough things will go from what seems bad to a version of good.  This is one of the best reasons to keep going because as life would have it situations and circumstances do change.  Like the weather change is inevitable.  Just wait and in the meantime send good energy to your heart and things will change, giving you good reason to "keep on keeping on".

3.  There is Light and Darkness: (accept that fact)
We should know that there is always going to be light and dark moments in life.  If we accept that then the dark moments won't have so much power.  Life is a series of dark and light times.  There will be joy and there will be sadness.  There will be excitement and there will be apathy.  There will be laughter and there will be sorrow.  Light and dark is a natural part of life.  If we accept that then we can keep going knowing that if everything was light our life would not have any reasons to change or to improve or observe and change.  Keep going because life will deal you some stuff that you are not going to love but life will also deal you some stuff that is wonderful and makes up for the times when you felt lost and alone or sad and ready to give up.  There is going to be light.  You can create more light by focusing on the good in your life.  That will help you keep on going.

4.  The Alternative Sucks: 
The fact is that the alternative to keeping on  going is giving up and that is not a good alternative.  Giving up should be looked at as a bad choice.  Not giving up and choosing not to give up is the only way to go.  Sitting and getting stuck in the darkness for long periods of time simply keep you there longer.  See the alternative to your being in your joy as a bad one.  Sitting in front of a TV, staying in bed, shutting yourself down are all bad alternatives.  Choose to be happy and choose to be in your joy and choose to keep going.  Pull your pants up and iron a white shirt and keep going.  Don't sit for too long or you will become sedentary for hours and perhaps for days.  Even if you are ill or have some disability force yourself to keep going knowing fully that the alternative really does suck and staying in that dark place does no good.  Loving yourself is reason enough to keep going but more importantly we get to choose what vibration level to live in.


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