"Be Impeccale with Your Word"

In the book "The Four Agreements" one of them is to "be impeccable with your word".  What it means is to not just be honest but to be your word and to do as you say you are going to do.  It means that you show up and you do the things you say you are going to do and that what you say is always the truth.  Inside this is the fact that you must be your word and tell the truth to the people you love and to the people you come into contact with.

When we are not honest we are not being impeccable with our word.  When we lie to someone about something we are not being impeccable and honest with your word.  When we deceive others we are not being impeccable with our word.  And when we omit information we are not being impeccable with our word.

The advantage of being honest and following up with what we say we are going to do is that we live a life that is filled with more joy and more connection.  Every time we lie about something we get further away from the truth of who we are and we stray further from our peace of mind.  Our honestly will free us and gives us a space to live a life of integrity where we don't have to apologize or feel afraid that someone will uncover the truth.  The more honest we are the more honest others are with us.

It is not easy to be impeccable with our word.  There is no room for lies and there is not any room for deceit.  There is no room for making up stories or pretending but rather we are living a life that is completely honest and open even when it hurts, admitting when we need assistance and being honest about what we need in life with others especially.  But being impeccable with our word does mean that we can be happy with who we are and there is no need to make up stories.  Life is clear when we are honest, when we are impeccable with our words.


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