A Good Morning

A good morning is when you make a decision to live in your highest vibration.  This means that there is no complaining but rather gratitude and love and forgiveness.  This means that if you go to anger for some reason you come back to your peace and center by telling yourself to come back.  For some it is a mantra that you recite that helps you to come back to a happier and more productive place.  Mine was: "You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good".  For me this meant that no matter what or who felt like they were attempting to harm me God was going to turn it around and make good of it.  No matter how I perceived my life this mantra helped me to reel it in and to let go of the perception that someone or something could harm me regardless of what as going on.

I believe that  we make our day what it is.  We make decisions the moment we awake to either seek the good in others and in situations or be overcome by the negative.  We might have trouble finding a parking space but something like this does not break us down.  We may get a short tempered store clerk who seems rude in their tone but we don't let that one person ruin the day for us.  We understand that the people who we run into are who they are and they react in many different ways, some with anger and others with kindness.  Not one person dictates how we are to feel and navigate through the course of the day.  We can be the driver of our own car and not allow any ones behavior to make us crash and burn.  We believe in ourselves and we believe that our day is molded by our own perception and our own view of it.

On a good morning we set our intention and we center our minds by taking the time to be in silence and taking the time to do something that will help us to balance.  For some of us that means praying or meditating and I believe in both.  At times a prayer is incorporated into our meditation and we create balance by focusing our meditation on something in specific.  With all of the frustrations and stress we have in our lives, especially at work there is a great need for us to create this balance rather than to think it will just happen.

Peace, centering, balance and joy does not just happen every day in every aspect of our life.  We will have challenges and because of it we must live with some amount of intention doing things that make us feel that peace and joy that we like to feel and live by.  It is natural to love and it is unnatural to hate.  This is my belief and I am sticking to it.  This is why hate feels so unnatural and so wrong for us and love feels so right and good for us.  It seems easy to be negative and allow the hard times to bring us down, but we can turn it around in ways that are natural and easy to execute.  The main thing is to stay focused and to stick to your intention.

A good day is as you deem it and as you set it and as you create it.


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