When Someone Falls

When someone falls it is up to us to help this person get up.  It is not something that others should have to ask of us.  It is our duty to pick someone up off the ground because that person is our brother or sister.  It may seem to be something we all know yet there are thousands of people who have fallen down and people will literally pass by them, assuming they are drunk or drugged up.  In fact this happened to a good friend of mine who had a heart attack in the middle of the streets of France.  She shared with me that the person who finally called an abulance had noted her designer pretty little shoes and had this feeling that she was not just some homeless or drunk person.  To her amazement she made it to a hospital on time to live but had it not been for that one person she might not have lived.

How do we see our brother fall and not pick him up?  How do we actually jump over some body and keep walking?  What is it that makes us so cold and disconnected?  That my friends are questions that we may never know the answer to.  They are questions that make no sense and questions that one goes into disbelief around.  Yet we do walk over people and keep walking that are injured or hurt.  Not only do we do that with people we don't know, we do it with people we do know.  I know this because I was also one of those people and the person who claimed to love me walked over me and out the door.  Today, in my case It thank God he walked over me and demonstrated to me the kind of person he or she was.  It enlightened me and made me a survivor in a new category and in a new way.

Still we should not walk over anyone who has fallen.  We should be compassionate and see that our turn to serve has come before us, doing the right thing at the proper time.  There is nothing more cruel than for anyone to walk over anyone when they are in pain or when they are in need.  It is forgive-able yet appalling in many ways.  When we understand we are all interconnected we know not to do this.  We know that walking over someone who is in need is one of the worse things we can do.   We cannot make a compassionate person out of a cold person just like we cannot turn a fridge into a stove.  We cannot make someone warm who is cold.  We should not try to do that nor should we ponder it.  We only need to know who we are and how we must be in God's eyes.  Compassion is a given and so is gratitude but we have it in us or we don't.  Many of us do not and for this we must have tolerance and love, for the ones not connected to love and for the ones who need love.

Cold is a behavior we learn.  Cold is a behavior we become use to.  We learn it and then it becomes natural to us not to react to others pain and to walk without thinking about others.  We cannot teach compassion but we can be compassionate no matter what is going on around us.  It is like the people who are all running from the fire and one person turns back to pick up a child who fell.  We have that in our DNA or we don't.


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