What Does Spiritual Mean?

I like to think after a number of years that I know what spiritual means yet spiritual can mean different things to different people.  It would be important to mention that spirituality does not mean that a person is religious.  In fact religion and spirituality are two very different things.  Religion is a practice where one goes to a church or reads the bible and it is an organized practice.  Spirituality is the deepest part of who we are inside and we don't have to go to church or practice any religion or belief to be spiritual.
Off the top of my head I would say that spirituality is:
The deepest part of a human being.
A state of mind.
A way of being.  

When one is spiritual one has a deep feeling at the core of us that is filled with love, faith and joy. We operate from a place of the heart and from a loving place.  If I were to say where our spirit resides I would say in our heart.  That is the main source of life and that is where we feel our deepest of feelings.  When we are spiritual we are centered and we do things in a peaceful and assured manner.  Our spirit leads us to where we need to be and it does so with intuition.  Our spirit is naturally intuitive.  It is the core of our being and the place where we check in for our feelings, how we feel and why.  Being spiritual only means that we are in touch with the deepest part of our self and that we are in touch with our center and our heart.

Spirituality is a state of mind.  When we are in a spiritual place we are calm and peaceful inside and nothing can take that from us.  Our spirit helps us to center ourselves in a place where we feel comfortable and whole.  We feel it in our body but we also feel it in our mind.  We don't have to think about it the way that we figure out a Math equation.  It is a natural state of mind where we feel clear and unconfused.  We feel tranquil and joyful inside and we are thinking of all the great things that can and will happen when we follow our heart and our spirit.

Spirituality is a state of being.  You are spiritual.  Everyone is spiritual.  We don't have to look for our spirit because it is always there.  Spirituality is a state of being and when we are we just are.  There is not any tedious work to do to attain our spiritual being because we are spiritual beings, all of us.  In one of the book groups that I was in we read a book about everyone being worthy of God's grace, even the people in jail for murder.  Everyone has a spirit.  Yes even the rapist and murderers of the world.  Spirit does not pick and chose only a few people to have a spirit.  It is not doled out like a prize for being good.

What does spirit mean to you?  I am sure that many of you can come up with your own interpretation of what spirituality means to you.  Open your heart and let the spirit of who you are come forward and enter your body.  What spirit means to you is what it is.


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