Fearless When All Around You

We can be fearless when all around us there are things going on that may scare us.  We can be fearless in spite of the situations that arise in our life because the fact is that scary things happen all the time.  Finding the bright side of a situation is likely the single most effective way to eliminate fear or at the very least put it aside.  Every time we feel fear we can replace it with a sense of knowing and a sense of fearlessness if we chose to.  Living in fear is a choice and we often chose to be in fear even when we don't have to.    Fear is a state of mind we find ourselves in and that we can find ourselves out of, almost as easily as we found ourselves in it.  Replacing fear with peace, serenity and love takes time and requires us to stop and check in, becoming silent for a little while so that we can find our center anew.  By pausing and taking a time of quiet reverence we can move from the fear to the other side of it.

We are not born in fear.  We are actually born in love.  Fear is not the most common feeling we have when we are children but as we grow older we develop fears, all types of fears.  We fear financial disaster, we fear relationship break ups, we fear dying, we fear illness and we fear being alone.  We develop fear as we experience more and more negative things in our life.  We don't know how to handle these things and we end up believing that the bottom is going to fall out all the time.  We start to live a fear based life.  We start to live a life of fear and then eventually we find that fear and we create more of it in our life.  The more we believe that fear will visit us the more it will be.

It is not easy to let go of fear but that is exactly the first thing to do.  Let go of it and release it.  Do everything you can to release it and not think about it.  Do all that you can to believe that you will overcome it and that it is almost never as bad as it looks.  In fact it is not as bad as it seems if we don't allow it to overwhelm us and take over our spirit.  Keeping our spirits up and our attitude positive will help us to walk through the fear and not be effected by the fear.  It is especially crucial not to allow the fear to make you stop and unable to move freely in your life.  Look at fear as an illusion and know that there have been many times when you and others have overcome a fearful situation and you will do so again.  Knowing we have overcome fear based situations before time and time again places hope in our heart and gives us the gift of knowing that this to we shall overcome.

Fear is based on lack of faith.  When we have a little tiny mustard seed of faith that is all we need to get through most situations.  Faith is a feeling of knowing that somehow we will get through it and with faith we do get through it.  Lacking faith is what puts us in a position of fear.  Having faith helps us immensely and we get through things with more ease when we know in our heart that we will and that we can.  Having a little faith goes a very long way in life.  Faith comes to us in the form of prayer.  Faith comes to us in moments of silence and connection to spirit.  If we have a little faith nothing can stop us from getting though situations that seem impossible to get through.

Being fearless when all around you there are things going on that are difficult is not easy but it can be done with intention and with faith.  Being fearless when all around you there are things going on that might seem scary requires that you have just a small amount of faith in a power greater than yourself or in your own inner wisdom.  We have all felt fear but it is how we react to fear that makes us fearless.  It is saying to ourselves that we won't live in fear and that fear is unnatural and does not have a place in our life.


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