What You Do Not Know: It's OK

Life is filled with things we don't know yet we insist on knowing so much of our life.  We want to know what is going to happen to us next.  We believe that if we know what is going to happen we will live a happier life but we cannot always know what is going to happen.  In fact many times we don't know and the not knowing fills us with anxiety, sadness and anger.  We hate not knowing what we don't know and the not knowing makes us fearful.  What if we loose all our job and all of our income?  What if we get sick and end up dying before we get a chance to do what we need to get done?  Yet in the end there is nothing we can do to stop life from happening whether it is something good or bad.  Life is going to happen.  Life is going to deal us some strange and difficult circumstances.  Life is going to catch us off guard and unable to catch the situation and control it.  Sometimes, often times things will happen that we did not plan on and in life we must be OK with that because life happens and often times they are things we didn't know about and we did not plan.

Now that you and I know there is nothing you can do to plan the things that happen in your life we should start by asking ourselves if we can be flexible about it next time it happens.  Life will happen and life situations will happen and in the end it is how we respond to life.  Asking ourselves to believe that what is going on is part of the journey forward is step one.  Accepting life as it is and as it unfolds is the very first part of moving through life with the ability to understand that there are many things in life that are going to happen and that some things that happen are not going to be interpreted as good, fun or something we want to happen to us.  We must all learn that things happen in our life are simply things that happen and be able to look at it and have the ability to get past it.  There are even times in our life when things happen and all that needs to happen is to experience it and go to the next thing.  Getting stuck in the circumstance is the worse thing we can do when things happen we don't necessarily like or can control.

There are many things that we are not going to know.  We won't know when we will die for example. We don't know if we are going to get in an accident and loose a limb.  We don't know if our unborn child might unfortunately be born dead.  There are many things that can happen that we don't know of.  It is not in our control what happens in our life.  We can choose to play safely and we can maybe stay home often to avoid things from happening but the truth is that we cannot stop anything from happening whether we stay home sitting in a chair or we go to the party.  There is not way to know because life is a surprise.  From moment to moment life is a beautiful surprise and we must see that and be able to embrace that without fear.  There are many things we will never know yet we should live life as fully as possible without knowing.  If possible we should live our life excited about what will happen next because like the things we don't want to happen to us there are many things we do want to happen.  Accepting the not so good stuff with the wonderful surprises is what life is about.

Live each day with joy.  Live each day happy.  Live each day with adventure in your heart.  Live each day as though it was your last one.  Take the things that happen to you that are not pleasant and do your best to see it as part of our life experience.  Don't get stuck there in the experience of something bad.  Take that experience and use it to awaken your heart and soul.  Live each day as if it were the last one because the truth is that it could be.


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